Inspiration is Ageless…as is Style

My 40th Birthday in NYC (top, Jean Paul Gaultier for Target)

When I began this blog, I wasn’t sure where exactly I would go with it.  Fashion?  Lifestyle?  It started off with just being inspired to write again after reading the Cupcakes and Cashmere blog.  Once the flow of writing came out, then my husband and son inspired me to write about the things I love.  I also thought of the passing of my father and how it affected myself, my mother and sister, remembering  how fleeting life is and that we must enjoy everything in this world with the people we love the most.     

I then started to worry about how I want to present myself as a 40-year-old new wife and also mother of a very young toddler.  I never want to appear as if I was either trying too hard or that I should present myself a certain way because I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s.   

Further reading brought me to The Glamourai and Karla’s Closet blogs.  I was reminded that style and beauty are ageless.  I know I have “found myself” now that I’ve approached that milestone of 40.  I know what I like and dislike.  I’ve weeded out all of my insecurities about what people think of me.  This drives me to do the things that make me happy.  Part of that happiness comes in the form of creativity and artistry.   Even in my 20’s, choosing a major of visual arts in college set me apart from my friends who chose more “conventional” paths.  I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.  

I have always been complimented by my friends on my style, which is an offshoot of my creativity.  Some of the best compliments I received was when I was pregnant.  I vowed to limit the amount of maternity clothing I purchased because I didn’t want to stifle my creativity with my clothes.  I did well up until 6 months.  Even then, I didn’t let the  introduction of maternity clothes limit my ability to experiment and make every outfit unique.  I made sure to shop at places like Topshop which offered clothing that was a maternity version of their regular lines.  Friends and co-workers said that they told their friends about my pregnancy style, which made me feel infinitely great.  I definitely want to remain stylish at every point in my life, even through pregnancy.  

While pregnant, I went on a trip to London and saw the first “Sex and the City” movie on the plane ride there, not having seen any of the episodes during it’s run on HBO.  During my maternity leave from work, I watched all six seasons of “Sex and the City”. These women were my age, and still fabulous!  When I returned to work four months later, another friend at work mentioned that she wasn’t sure what happened during my leave, but it seemed that my style “got dialed up”.  My inner Carrie Bradshaw was released.  I was inspired.   

The bottom line is that I just need to trust myself.  Approaching 40 doesn’t mean that who I am as a person goes away because of what is expected when that milestone is hit .  It’s realizing that after all the experience and learning I’ve done to this point, I have to trust that if it has gotten me this far and has only improved, I must be doing something right.  

Thanks to all who have inspired me and continue to inspire me.  As in the words of  the Glamourai Manifesto:  I shall go forth and live glamorously!


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