Who knew I would have a Frequently Asked Questions section, but here it is.  I’ll add more as more questions arise.  Thanks again for taking the time out to read my blog and I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

When do you find time to write to post a blog entry nearly everyday?  What inspires you?

I actually have several topics already written when I have those days that I have a lot to write about.  They’re mostly ideas that need fleshing out.  I basically type the title and a sentence or two to remind myself of what I want to write, then I come back to it when I have time.  Sometimes they’re already fully formed entries that just need to be fine tuned and posted.  I write while my husband watches our son, after he goes to sleep, or when he’s watching Spongebob Squarepants (my son, not my husband…although I may catch my husband watching as well).

I get inspired by something that happens during the day in my travels, during a conversation with a friend, or something I get by email.  Basically I’m inspired by anything and everything.

Do you take your own pictures?

Yes.  Most of my pictures are taken by yours truly, my husband, or my sister.  I will also indicate if someone either provided a photo, or took a picture for me…especially when I want to be in the picture, of course!

You must shop A LOT!

Yes.  But I do a lot of window shopping, both in person and on the net.  You’ll notice I really try to get good buys and find places where I can share good deals with everyone.  I only fully endorse places that I’ve been to, I have made purchases from, or plan to go to and purchase from at some point in the near future.  I also only review product from a company if I truly would wear or use the product in my own life.

What does the title of your blog mean?

The title “Any Second Now” is from a Depeche Mode song of the same title.  It’s from their first album called “Speak and Spell”.  I liked it when I used it from my first blog, and it’s still appropriate for everything that’s going on with my life now.

What does it mean when one of your posts is “sponsored”?

Now that I have been blogging for nearly 4 years, I have developed partnerships with brands, marketing companies and local businesses.  Every now and again, I’ll be asked to  review a product or service, share news, or attend a function.  In those instances, a post may be “sponsored”.  I will always disclose directly if I’m asked to share something, and/or indicate if a post is sponsored.

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