Wanted: The Downing by The Cambridge Satchel Co

I found my fall bag.  I was eyeing a black one at Bloomingdale’s last week, but I think this one is perfect for fall and incorporates everything I love right now:  crossbody/messenger style, sleek school boy look, navy blue & oxblood colors.  I’ve been wanting one for sometime now, but The Downing by The Cambridge Satchel Co is definitely next on my list of purchases.  Now I just have to decide which size I want!

(Image courtesy of The Cambridge Satchel Co.)

(Note:  I finally have a Cambridge Satchel bag, in a shiny navy, also from Bloomingdale’s. So very lovely!)

My First Whole30 Restaurant Experience at True Food Kitchen

Last week, I went out to eat with my good friend, Angi.  We planned to go to a Vodka tasting dinner prior to my committing to the Whole30 challenge.  As the day came closer to the dinner, I explained what I was doing and she suggested going to the True Food Kitchen at the Fashion Valley mall in Mission Valley.  She said that they have a lot of gluten-free meals and all of the food is completely fresh and has no additives.  The reason I was excited about eating there was that I knew they would understand if I asked to have something prepared a certain way.

Such a wonderful space, even with temptation in the background (in the form of cheesecake)…

We first started off with a couple of drinks.  Angi had the Kale Aid, which seemed a little too intense for my first experience there (kale, apple, cucumber, celery, lemon and ginger).  I opted for the Hangover Rx, which consisted of coconut water, pineapple and fresh squeezed orange juice.  This drink was so refreshing and actually tasted like ice cream (almost like a 50/50 bar).  It was a nice complement to the meal I was about to have.

A Hangover Rx and a Kale Aid

Angi was torn between a salad or an entrée, but decided to get the Ricotta Cheese Ravioli.  Knowing I had to be a bit more picky for my meal, it also took me a bit to make my choice.  I finally settled down on the Panang Curry, not only because it had been awhile since I had a good curry, but because it seemed the easiest to alter to fit my Whole30 needs.  When I mentioned to our server that I was doing a Paleo style diet and needed to have my dish altered, he knew instantly what I meant and that they most definitely would be able to remove the brown rice and potatoes.  This left ginger, carrot, mushroom, broccoli in a coconut shellfish broth, and I had chicken added for my protein source.  This dish was so delicious, but with just enough of a kick to make the dish quite flavorful (my Hangover Rx drink actually helped to quell the slight heat of the broth).  I was so pleased that my appetite was satisfied without being overly full.

Without a doubt, I will be visiting True Food Kitchen a few more times during my Whole30 experience, and will return again afterwards to take full advantage of their menu.  I feel confident that my husband and son would also enjoy it because the meals are quite tasty, but also incredibly healthy to boot.  Cheers!

 Panang Curry (sans brown rice & potato).  Whole30 approved, no?

Enjoy the Lullaby: Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star

When purchasing on Amazon.com, I always check their recommendations based on my recently viewed and purchased items because I make very insteresting discoveries from their selections.  I have several Duran Duran items in my “Save for Later” section, so one of the recommendations was Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star, Lullaby Versions of Duran Duran.  How cute, right?  Of course, seeing that version prompted me to look for a Depeche Mode version, and I found one (see it here).  I took a quick listen, definitely expecting to hear a slower version of all of their songs.  I actually found them to be quite relaxing.  Their official site says that these albums are “Perfect for babies, yoga, massage or relaxation”, which was exactly what I was thinking.  I could definitely fall asleep or do yoga to this music, and I would love it if I went to get a massage and soothing versions of Hungry Like the Wolf or People Are People came on in the background.  If I had know these existed, I would have filled Dominic’s crib with the plinky-plonky sounds of Radiohead or The Smiths in addition to Duran Duran and Depeche Mode.  Needless to say, I will buy the Depeche Mode version and enjoy the lullaby.

Images courtesy of Amazon.com

(Edited to add:  Thank you Paul from TTLRS for my very own downloaded copies of the Depeche Mode and Duran Duran lullaby albums, I love them!)

FTC Disclosure:  This review was written prior to receiving the downloads, and I was not asked to write a review.  The opinions in this review are strictly my own.

New Life: Taking the Whole30 Challenge

I first heard about Whole30 through Vahni of Grit & Glamour (see her initial post here).  Vahni has a great explanation of why she did it, which is why I decided to read a bit more about it.  I have been looking to focus on something new, especially regarding my health and diet, so this challenge seemed like a great place to start.  If you’re not familiar with the Whole30 program, it’s very similar to the Paleo or “Caveman” diet of bringing your food intake back to its basics.  The good part is that it’s only for 30 days, and I feel that this is something that I can accomplish to see if this is how I want to adjust my eating style on a regular basis. 

I actually began this program on Monday October 1st with Vahni and several other bloggers, and we have a support group of sorts on Facebook.  I’m so glad that I joined the group because in this first week, I have a wedding to attend in Las Vegas (we’re on the road today).   As the days grew closer to this first week and weekend, I wondered if I could pull this off, especially with the wedding looming ahead.  As I started to have doubts, I referred to this part of the Whole30 program section, specifically the “It is not hard” portion:

It’s for your own good.

Here comes the tough love. This is for those of you who are considering taking on this life-changing month, but aren’t sure you can actually pull it off, cheat free, for a full 30 days. This is for the people who have tried this before, but who “slipped” or “fell off the wagon” or “just HAD to eat (fill in food here) because of this (fill in event here).” This is for you.

It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. You won’t get any coddling, and you won’t get any sympathy for your “struggles”. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE not to complete the program as written. It’s only thirty days, and it’s for the most important health cause on earth – the only physical body you will ever have in this lifetime.

Don’t even consider the possibility of a “slip”. Unless you physically tripped and your face landed in a box of doughnuts, there is no “slip”. You make a choice to eat something unhealthy. It is always a choice, so do not phrase it as if you had an accident. Commit to the program 100% for the full 30 days. Don’t give yourself an excuse to fail before you’ve even started.

I did drink my coffee black for the first time ever in my life this week, and it wasn’t hard at all.  I don’t think I will physically trip and fall into a plate of wedding cake, so I assure you all that I will make the healthy choice this weekend.  Vahni gave some great alternatives to drinking alcohol in our Facebook group, so that I again make a better choice when the wedding toast happens.  I will post about my progress here on the blog.  In the meantime, I’ve included their approved shopping list and a couple of pictures of meals and snacks that I have had this week (posted initially on Instagram with hashtag #Whole30).  I’ve only stepped on the scale at the beginning of this week to check my initial weight (136 lbs), just to see the outward effects as well as the internal effects.  Just in this first week alone, I’ve felt the effects, so I’m excited to view food differently, make better choices and to change my life!

Dried fruit & cashews:  The program states to limit dried fruit, so I just use it as part of my own “trail mix”, especially for the drive up to Las Vegas.  I have not had organic soup yet, so I’m excited to try it!

One of my lunches, made with romaine lettuce, spinach, tomatoes and ham. I used a balsamic vinegar for dressing (allowed under the section called “The Fine Print” in the program guidelines).

Tailored Textures

It’s finally starting to cool down, so I’m feeling like wearing textured clothing and layering them in different ways.  These pieces are not new, but I’ve never worn them together so it feels like a new outfit.  The jacket is a colored tweed or boucle and the pants are corduroy.  I kept the layering simple, but all in the same muted shades.  I’m also starting to embrace wearing different shades of the same color.  I was always hesitant to do so, but I think that it makes an outfit more dynamic and now actually expands my wardrobe possibilities!

Outfit – din bin jacket (from Nordstrom a long time ago); LEI corduroy pants; Old Navy blouse; Wet Seal tank; Poetic License shoes; Rebecca Minkoff MAC purse; Michael Kors watch; iSee glasses from GlassesUSA; Vintage brooches; Tiffany & Co necklace; Wendy Brandes ring

Thirty-One: Quality Gifts & Solutions for use Everyday

This weekend, my mother-in-law came into town to see Dominic and to also help me host a Thirty-One party.  She is a consultant for this Christian based direct sales company, and the emphasis is on empowering women to believe that they can do something for themselves while offering good calibre products.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I invited a few friends over to share the experience.  I was pleasantly surprised at the high quality of the products, and I liked the totes and bags that were more for organization.  My party was small and had six people.  But each person made a multi-product purchase and received a great offer for a half off of specially designated products.

If you would like to check out their catalog and make a purchase, my party will be open for the rest of the week.  Just go to the following website: http://www.mythirtyone.com/DIANALV/, which is my mother-in-law’s consultant site.  Just click on “My Parties” and look for the Cy Chen party.  You can also email her at [email protected] to learn more about the October special when you make a purchase of $31 or more.  Thank you and cheers!

FTC Disclosure:  I received free product as a result of hosting a party, but I was not asked to review any product.  Although I did receive free product for hosting a party, the opinions in this post are strictly my own.

Random Sports Rant: The Replacements – My Take on the Current State of Officiating in the NFL

Note:  Although an agreement was reached on September 26, 2012 (see NFL’s update here), I still wanted to post this as it was my immediate reaction after watching the most recent Monday Night Football game.

I know that this is generally a blog about fashion, family, dining and music.  But if you are a regular reader of this blog, I have mentioned on many occasions how much of a sports fanatic I am, especially of American football and soccer.  Because of what has transpired in these first weeks of the season, I have to comment on the state of my beloved sport of football.

This week, I watched a game that to me, should signal a turning point in this lockout of the regular officials.  To kind of give a brief overview for those of you who are not up to speed with football news, the regular officials (referees) are not currently officiating this season’s regular NFL games due to a lockout imposed by team owners after their contracts expired in June of this year.  Basically, the team owners are locking out the referees by not agreeing to a contract.  To ensure that the football season continues, replacement referees have been put in place to officiate, while the contract negotiations are taking place.  I thought that these officials would be higher level college referees, but I realized that the college football season coincides with professional football season, so those refs are actually tied up already.  I’m not exactly sure how these replacement referees are hired and where they come from.

In the beginning, it didn’t seem so bad because they seemed to put their “best” refs forward during the opening game on September 5th, 2012.  But it has become apparent in these last couple of weeks that the replacement officials clearly are not handling the pressure of the speed of play.  Not only that, but I’m sensing that players are testing their boundaries with making blatant pass interferences, late hits and unnecessary roughness penalties that we as fans see, but not all of the officials are paying attention to.  Were all of the refs really looking at that holding penalty instead of that helmet-to-helmet contact that received no flag, but resulted in a fine? 

This Monday night’s game on September 24th, 2012 between the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers was just more exposure on a national level of what we have been seeing all season.  In addition to the missed and incorrect penalties, we’re also seeing a loss of control of the game by the replacement officials.  I see these officials as being scared out of their minds to make a bad call, so they make no call.  This was apparent in the final call of the game where Seattle was on the offense and quarterback, Russell Wilson, threw a “Hail Mary”.  As you can seein the picture above, one official signaled touchdown, but the other signaled that it was not a touchdown.  To me, it was clearly an interception as the defender, safety M.D. Jennings, had control of the ball in the air and when his two feet touched the ground in the end-zone, although receiver Golden Tate, looked as if he also had the ball.  The ruling on the field was a touchdown, resulting in the Seahawks winning 13-12.  Thinking this was the final outcome, both teams left the field, including the officials.  To finish the game, Seattle should have kicked for the extra point, but no one was around to do it.  Eventually, each team had to get 11 men on the field to run the final play.  Finally, the game was over and the resulting score was Seahawks 14 and Packers 12.  Kudos to Green Bay for stepping up and being a class act for sending 11 men out there, which was something I’m sure I couldn’t have convinced myself to do.  In a statement that was released on Tuesday September 25th, 2012, the NFL supported the decision to not overturn the touchdown due to the simultaneous catch rule (the decision goes to the offensive player), and the Seahawks remained the victors (read statement here).

As the NFL commissioner and chief executive officer, Roger Goodell should step in and bring these talks to a head and demand a decision.  Something needs to give, not just for those of us who love the game, but for the health, safety and sanity of the coaches and players.  I cannot watch football like this any longer.  As a San Diego Chargers fan, each game with my home team is emotional because I want my team to win.  Once my own team game is finished, I can sit back and watch other games, simply because I enjoy watching football.  Right now, I can’t even stand to watch a regular game, let alone my own home team’s games because it’s absolutely painful. 

I usually enjoy fall because watching football and learning the game is how I got incredibly close to my father growing up.  We knew Sunday was football day and we would have the tellys blaring games all day, or we would even attend a game locally (one of the best reasons to live in a town with a local team).  Before he passed, we would discuss each game and make our picks for random office football pools.  Now, I’m married to a man who loves the game equally and I get to continue my tradition each year with him and soon with our son.  But in all of the years that I’ve grown up watching this sport, this is the worst that I’ve seen as a spectator.  Even when the Chargers were 1-15, I still watched faithfully.  After Green Bay was robbed of a win this week, I’m not sure that I can stomach watching bad call after bad call.  It’s like watching a crime in progress:  you know it’s wrong, but you can’t do anything about it.

This rant is not a gripe against the replacement referees because they are probably doing the best they can under the circumstances.  My gripe is against the league, specifically the owners and Goodell.   I have been watching the game of football since I was eleven.  The game that solidified me as a lifelong fan was the Epic in Miami where my Chargers rallied to beat the Miami Dolphins in an all out play-to-win-at-any-cost game that got them to the AFC Championship (where they lost against the Bengals in the Freezer Bowl).  That’s where I saw heart, tenacity, endurance and players truly playing a full game of football, no holds barred in the face of exhaustion and pain.  I have watched games here in San Diego, but I have traveled to other cities and countries for the love of the game (Pittsburgh and London).  It is this deep appreciation for the game that makes watching this season so painful.  I feel insulted that the NFL could think for a second that we could just sit back and accept that this is how it’s going to be, and that the decisions these replacement referees are making are as sound as the decisions made by Ed Hochuli or Mike Carey.   No, you will never get me to accept that, especially after this last Monday Night Football game. 

Although I’ve said on Facebook and Twitter that I would stop watching football the rest of this season while these replacement refs are still there, I know I’ll still watch because I love the game too much.  Believe me, this is inner tourmoil for any sports fan.  It is because of my love of football, I’m begging all parties to get these negotiations under wraps and come to a decision.  Please.

(Top photo courtesy of Policymic.com)

Foodie Fever: Restaurant Week at Analog Bar

As mentioned in a previous post, last week was San Diego Restaurant Week.  I ventured out with Janice to a place that I had been wanting to try out for a while: The Analog Bar.  Here is yet another example of the kind of establishments that Janice and I seem to gravitate to: good music, good drinks, and musical paraphernalia attached to the walls.  If you recall, on our recent trip to London trip we paid a visit to a fantastic little bar called Callooh Callay where the walls of the restroom were covered with cassette tapes (posts here and here).  Not only are the walls covered with cassette tapes, but also with album covers as well.  I tried to look for a Depeche Mode cover, but I really only saw Human League.  I’ll have to go back to see what other 80’s groups I can find among the dozens.

If you are unfamiliar with Restaurant Week, I have a few posts about the week-long event (here and here).  It’s definitely something that my friends and I enjoy and we try to go somewhere different each time.  I missed Restaurant Week earlier this year, so it was Regi’s turn to miss this one.  The three of us try to get together as time and schedules permit, but sometimes one of us misses out.  Since we already scheduled the date and made the reservations, Janice and I decided to keep the date, and I’m really glad we did!

From the prix fixe menu (which was $30), we always pick different things in order to be able to sample a variety of what is offered.  In addition, we chose to do the Cocktail Pairings for an additional $12 because this meant that we each got a specialty drink that was made for each item on the menu.  The cocktails that were offered already would have cost a total of $36, so we thought it was a fantastic deal.  I also think we were trying to relive our trip to London and the fantastic drinks we had while we were out there.

Grapefruit Champagne Spritzer

“Bahn Mi” Street Tacos and Lobster Corn Dogs with tarragon dip

I started off with the Lobster Corn Dogs that came with a tarragon dip and Janice had the BBQ Pork “Bahn Mi” Street Tacos, which she had before.  Both dishes were very tasty and I thought the tarragon dip was a wonderful compliment to the lobster (lobster cakes surrounded by corn dog batter).  This was accompanied by a Grapefruit Champagne Spritzer, which was light and very delicious.  I thought it went well with the appetizers because it sparkled and wasn’t too heavy.   Already, the cocktails did not disappoint, so I looked forward to the other pairings.

Grilled Orange-Sesame Glazed Salmon

Next was our main dishes: I had the Grilled Orange-Sesame Glazed Salmon and Janice had the Braised Sterling Silver Short Ribs (not pictured).  Each were good versions of our favorite dishes.  They were paired with the Hendricks Experience cocktails which also was surprisingly refreshing.  For me, it went well with my salmon and didn’t overpower my meal. 

From the Cocktail Pairings (drinks appear in respective order to the menu)

My favorite part of the meal was the dessert (of course).  I had the Butterscotch Pudding and Janice had the Peanut Butter Cup Cake, which came with a glass of milk.  The Butterscotch Pudding was a brownie topped with pudding, salted caramel and whipped cream, served in a small mason jar.  This was paired with the Analog Organic Chai Mule, which was almost like what a liquid gingerbread cookie would taste like.  The spice of the ginger went very well with the sweetness of the dessert.  It was a wonderful way to end a delightful meal. 

Overall, this was a wonderful food and drink experience, and I know I would definitely go back again to take my husband on a night out.  The space resembles a sleek music recording studio, and I’ve read that it’s a great place to enjoy listening to music and dancing because of the DJ set up.  I would also like to return with my entire family to enjoy their brunch, because I know my son would love looking at all of the album covers and cassette tapes that adorn their walls.  Not only does Analog Bar have good food and great drinks, but a cool and hip atmosphere as well and appeals to the music enthusiast in me.  Cheers!

Keep Calm & Listen to Depeche Mode

Ah yes, I’m still on my European vacation high.  I have a couple of “Keep Calm and Carry On” catch phrase items that I brought back with me in the form of a magnet and tumbler.  I found the above image through Google on Red Bubble (click the picture to buy the shirt, I’m going to buy one). I know it’s how I definitely keep calm!

Here are a few pictures that show just a bit of my Depeche Mode collection, which includes Recoil and solo projects by Martin Gore and Dave Gahan.  I sometimes use them as subjects for the “Photo a Day Challenge” themes on Instagram because the themes have words that appear in their lyrics or song titles, and that album or single will be the first image to pop into my head (if you want to join in on the “Photo a Day Challenge” meme, go to Fat Mum Slim for details).  Some day, I’ll do some kind of photo essay of everything I own that is Depeche Mode related.  Until then, I’ll continue to share photo collages of selections from my collection. 

August 26: Dream (Dreaming of Me, 7″ UK imported single)

August 31:  Hidden (Hidden Houses by Dave Gahan from the album Paper Monsters)

September 16: Strange (Strangelove 7″ and 12″ domestic singles; Strange & Strange Too on VHS; A Strange Hour in Budapest on Blu-ray DVD and USB by Recoil)

September 18: Price (Early Depeche Mode song called Price of Love on Live at Crocs vinyl album from Amoeba Music)

Summer's End, Fall Into Autumn

It’s so hard to think of fall when the weather is still incredibly warm here in San Diego, but I think I’ve got the infusion of shoes that I need to end my summer and begin the cooler fall weather.  It began with the Topshop studded flats that I bought while I was in London, but I also bought a couple of pairs of shoes from Labor Day sales.  I’m also trying to embrace flats, lower heels and lower wedged heels as part of my fall office wardrobe, so you’ll see a bit of a trend with my most recent acquisitions.  I again included prices because I think anyone can really get a good deal if you sign up for special mailing lists, or get the shoes you want at a better price if you time your purchase with a good sale.

Matiko “Monaco” in nude from Ashbury Skies (On sale for $59 from $179.95. Received email for $20 off during Labor Day. Final price with free shipping: $29!)

Ego and Greed “Bowler” in grey printed python from Solestruck.  I LOVE the Shoe Addict bandage that came in my package. (On sale for $59.95 from $119.95. Received notification for exclusive Facebook discount. Final price with free shipping: $35.97!)

VECTRA4 Canvas Studded Slippers from Topshop (£28 when I purchased them in London, which converted to $45.)

Bamboo “Alive 04” penny loafers in navy blue from Lulu*s ($25)

Steve Madden “Frankie” studded engineer booties from Macy’s (Originally $149, but I got them for $130 with free shipping because of a discount during a Labor Day sale.)