Monthly Archives: September 2011

Remembering 9/11 Ten Years Later

It’s not often that we talk about things this personal in a blog mostly on fashion & lifestyle, but I think I would be remiss in not talking about this particular subject since it directly affected me, as it directly affected thousands of others.  I’m using this image from one of my favorite sports blogs, Shutdown Corner because it happened on this season’s opening football game, and it’s a wonderful tribute to all of the people who effected by the events of September 11 , 2001.

I was in Virginia visiting my friend Sara for a week in the beginning part of September 2001.  If I remember correctly, I flew into town on either Wednesday or Thursday, which was September 5th or 6th.   This was during our whole boy band excursion:  we watched O-Town in concert on September 8 at Six Flags, Kings Dominion in Doswell, VA and then at the Patriot Center in Washington DC on September 10.  Sara had become a very close friend and I didn’t mind at all visiting her, even if it meant traveling to see a boy band in concert.

My original departure time on September 11, 2001 was to be earlier in the morning.  But I decided that I didn’t want to wake up so early after a concert the night before, and I wanted to have lunch with my friend Mike who lived in Washington DC (only 30 minutes away).  I pushed my flight to 3pm that day, which meant he could take me right to the airport after lunch.  Still reeling from the fun the night before, Sara and I slept in until almost 9am.

Sara’s phone rang, but we didn’t answer it because we thought for sure that it was that crazy caller from the night before who was frantically looking for her boyfriend (that woman called her condo at least four times that night).  It rang again, and this time Sara looked at the caller ID and recognized my home phone number.  It was my mom.

My mom spoke in a hushed tone that I had not heard before.  She asked if we were watching TV and I stated no.  She then said that I had better turn it on because I would not be coming home that day.  I asked her to stop kidding around as Sara turned on the TV.  I asked my mom why she would make us watch this crazy movie of a plane crashing into a building, knowing that I was going to fly later that day.  We quickly realized it was the news and that’s when I saw the second plane hit the second tower in New York.

The next news flash was of the plane that crashed into The Pentagon.  I immediately called Mike because his condo was literally across from The Pentagon.  He said that he was at work and that he saw the plane fly in the opposite direction of where the usual flight pattern was over the freeway (which was highly unusual).  He then saw a ball of smoke and fire from just beyond the horizon.

The next day was spent trying to figure out what to do next.  I had a new job with Fox Searchlight to work on Antwone Fisher, which was delayed because the crew could not get out of Ohio.  Additionally, it was going to be delayed an additional month because the film was supposed to be shot on several Naval bases, which were brought up to the highest points of security due to the events of September 11, 2001.

So many routine and trivial things floated around in my mind, but didn’t feel trivial because they directly affected me.  I had just enough clothing to last me until the next day, which meant I had to do laundry, and I’ve never had to worry about that before.  I remember going out to sushi for dinner that night.  We went to a mall because I wanted to find a new outfit, but wasn’t in the right frame of mind to find anything.  Rather than eat out, the next day we went grocery shopping because every store and restaurant played the news, which was a lot to take after waking up and discovering I wasn’t going home.  After two full days of straight news, we had to put on comedies to distract ourselves.

I called the airport that night and the following day to find out when I could actually fly out of Virginia.  My mom was upset because one of her biggest fears had happened: our family was separated.  I was clear across the United States in the very heart of all the tragedy, and they were in California, wondering when I would be home.  Sara’s mom came over just to give me a big hug because I couldn’t get one from my own mom.

By Thursday, September 13, I had hit my breaking point.  I had actually been fine, up until I called my house and spoke to my sister.  Even typing it out brings tears to my eyes because it was the first time I had heard panic from my family.  My dad was always calm and cool, so I knew he would be my voice of reason.  Even my mom was more even keeled than I thought she would be.  But my sister, who was filled with love and fear, just lost it.  She belted out a cry and said, “I just need you home, I just want you to be home now!”

I followed my sister’s emotional declaration with one of my last calls to the airport.  It was finally the news I’ve been waiting to hear: I was flying home on Friday September 14, 2001.

Even the flight out of Dulles International Airport was extremely eventful.  After my tearful hugs from Sara, the security was at the highest I had ever experienced.  It took me two hours to get through everything, and when I finally got to my gates, I didn’t have the correct print out for my boarding pass.  When I finally got that settled, I discovered that I was the last passenger to board and had actually held up the flight.   I sunk deep into my seat for the rest of the flight.

When we touched down at Lindbergh Field, the plane let out a roaring cheer.  We were HOME.  I couldn’t get out of the gate fast enough.  I saw my dad and my sister at the foot of the escalator, and my dad was holding up an American flag.  I made my way down and jumped into the arms of my sister, both of us crying like little school girls.   I gave my dad a big hug and asked where my mom was.  My sister said it was too much for her and that she would just see me at home.

Home.  I would never take that word for granted after September 11, 2001.  I will remember that week for the rest of my life.  Now I remember all the families that lost a loved one on that day, and all the brave souls who did their best to ensure that many more were not lost.

A Week in iPhone Pictures

This was a very busy week, so I’ll just post a few pictures taken with my iPhone.  This device is one of the best things I’ve ever owned because it combines all the things I need at a moment’s notice (music, camera, phone).  Hope you all have a great weekend!

Dominic watching Spongebob on the way to Las Vegas. Parents, invest in a DVD player for the car. Best. Purchase. Ever.

Screech at The Orleans. Yeah.

The game that won the ticket that paid for the Vegas trip!

Saw this place at The Venetian.  True Blood fans, do we dare ask what they serve at THIS bar?!

My hubby looking handsome at Mandalay Bay.

The Human League again (but we didn’t go)!

Finally found my all time favorite European cookie at TARGET.

Yes, I ended up doing a little shopping. These cute Qupid shoes were a MUST, don’t you think?  Hooray for color blocking!

Electric Dreams: The Human League in Concert

Last week, I added yet another 80’s group to my list of must see bands:  The Human League.  As posted last week, I saw them last Thursday at The Dreamcatcher lounge inside Viejas Casino.  I love the fact that groups that I missed back in the 80’s are touring again, making it possible to “catch up”.  I wondered why it was that I didn’t see groups like these back then.  I realized that it’s because I really didn’t have the cash flow that I have now as an adult, so when I had to choose between Depeche Mode and another group touring at the same time, I saved my money for Depeche Mode.

I went with my best friend Janice, who has accompanied me to many of my latest 80’s ventures (on occasion we go with my sister and cousin Regi).  What was great about this show is that it only cost a mere $18 to see a fantastic double bill with Men Without Hats, and that we were incredibly close.  We were so close that I was able to get a great shot of the set list prior to The Human League coming on, however, it didn’t allow me to get any good shots of Men Without Hats.  I think it may also have been the lighting because I was able to get great shots of The Human League during their set.

The current band consists of lead singer Philip Oakey, singers Susan Sulley and Joanna Catherall, in addition to their touring band.  I loved all of the costume changes and the fact that the girls switched sides of the stage.  And if you thought the keytar was a thing of the past, The Human League has resurrected the keyboardists answer to the guitar hero.  They played many songs I recognized right off the bat:  The Lebanon, Love Action, Fascination, and Mirror Man.  After seeing these songs live, I added a couple of songs to my favorites list from their discography: Tell Me When and Heart Like A Wheel.

They also sang a song from their new album, Credo called Egomaniac, which reminded me of Depeche Mode because of the grittiness of the synths.  My personal favorite was Human, which Philip Oakey stated was a song that was only popular in the US.  It was incredibly beautiful live, and their vocals were still spot on.  I recorded video of Human where the visual was fantastic but the audio was distorted by the reverb of the speakers, which made me realize that I should have brought my Flip Camera.  Don’t You Want Me was the obvious fan favorite.  I heard the whole room sing every word, and Susan let the audience have a solo during the line “I still love you!”.

Although my own video footage left much to be desired, Janice was able to get great footage of the encore and final song, Together in Electric Dreams (I hope to include a video by the time this posts, but I will definitely add it later).  This song was originally from the movie Electric Dreams and was a huge single for Philip Oakey outside of The Human League.  It was produced one of his idols and pioneers of the synth era, Giorgio Moroder.  I’ve always liked that song, and after seeing it live, it has raced up to the top of the list of my favorite Human League songs.  All in all, another excellent musical trip back into the 80’s!

Pet Shop Boys: Daddy & Dominic at Petco

Before we went to see “Cars 2” last Saturday, we made a stop at a Petco in Mission Viejo.  This wasn’t Dominic’s first time in a pet store, but it was my first time capturing it in pictures.  There was a pet adoption for cats and dogs happening that day, which was part of the reason we wanted to stop by, so that Dominic could pet a kitten or puppy.  But it was at noon, and we really needed to get going to make sure we saw the movie and the attraction.  I was going to include these pictures with the “Cars 2” post, but I think these pictures needed to be featured all on their own.  Hope you all had a happy and safe holiday weekend!

(I must confess, the real reason we first stopped in Mission Viejo was to get my free box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  The stop at the Petco was just a bonus!)

Secret is Out: Alan Wilder Confirmed to do a Secret Gig 9/3/2011

In searching for news about Alan Wilder, I came across a soon-to-be-new-addtion to my blogroll:  Gothic News.  They have confirmed that Alan Wilder has decided to play a “virtually free concert” on September 3, 2011, following the “Collected” main sale event in Manchester at the Zion Arts Centre, which is the Alan Wilder/Depeche Mode memorabilia auction.  All the details can be found on the Gothic News post about the concert here.  The only way to get tickets is to register by contacting the company running the online auction, Omega.

Seeing Recoil/Alan Wilder in concert is a must for any fan, so if you have the opportunity to go and you are in the Manchester area, hop to it!

My family and I are off to Vegas for the holiday weekend.  Hope you have a good one!

(Image courtesy of

My New Wave Concert Venture Tonight

I’m very excited because I will be getting in my New Wave fix tonight by attending a concert at The Dreamcatcher Lounge in Viejas Casino.  My best friend Janice and I will be watching The Human League with Men Without Hats, both of whom I have not had the privilege of seeing back in the 80’s.  The Human League actually have a new album out called Credo, so I’m glad to know that they are not only touring, but still recording as well.

If you are unfamiliar with the names of these groups, below are lists of hits for each of them.  Once you see the songs, I’m sure your memory banks will flood with sounds of their catchy tunes.  I’ll post pictures and a review next week!

The Human League:

Don’t You Want Me

Love Action

(Keep Feeling) Fascination

Mirror Man



Men Without Hats:

The Safety Dance

Pop Goes The World

(The Human League photo courtesy of; Men Without Hats photo courtesy of