Tag Archives: Run DMC

The Children of 80’s Teenagers

Bubba and Mama in Joy Division

Growing up in the 80’s, it would be fitting that my sister and I should have our children dress accordingly.  Or, at the very least, wear shirts of our favorite groups from the 80’s.  As if on cue, Dominic decided the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were among his favorite superheroes (just like daddy) and he likes The Best of The Human League (he can find the album on my iPod without assistance).  Dominic can sing nearly all the words to the Royskopp version of “Puppets” and if you ask him, he can tell you mama’s favorite group is Depeche Mode, all of which tickles the soul of my inner 80’s teen.  Who knows, maybe Mei-Lin will like Jem and the Holograms?  I think she’ll stick to Hello Kitty for now.

Dominic Run DMC Collage

Oh yeah, it’s tricky!

Mei in Beastie Boys Collage

Mei-Lin was totally 80’s back when she was three, with leg-warmers AND side ponytail!

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Dominic in the same shirt.  Can I call it “vintage” rather than “hand-me-down”?

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A little Flash Dance, Mei-Lin’s outfit was courtesy of yours truly (she added the Hello Kitty).  I think I wore the exact same thing in the 80’s!

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Of course Dominic has a Depeche Mode shirt. Was there any doubt?

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I found that John Cusack shirt at Hot Topic a several years ago, intending to turn it into a pillow.  I’m glad I saved it so that Mei-Lin could rock it!

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