During this uncertain time, I know more and more people are in a situation where they must work from home. When we still lived in San Diego, I was commuting to work, like most people do, but quit when we moved. After we moved to Arizona, we decided that I needed to rejoin the workforce, but I needed to work from home. I have been very fortunate that my employer in San Diego afforded me that opportunity, and I have been doing so for the last two years.
Working from home is a definite lifestyle change, and I can admit that it wasn’t that easy at first! There are many distractions at home, and it could be so easy to give into them because, let’s face it, your home is your comfort zone! But there are things you can do to ensure you are productive and successful working from home. I’ve learned a few things in these last two years, and I hope they will help!
1) Really try to create a space where you know it’s a work space. If you have a room where you can make it your “office” do it! Purchase an actual desk and office chair if you can, and create a space that you know is your home office, and don’t do anything else there. I would really try to avoid making your bedroom an office. To quote John Mayer in a recent post on his Instagram, make a distinction between work and your “Gentle Hours”, between daytime and night time. Your office space should be where you are in the day, and your bedroom is where you retreat to at night. If that isn’t possible, do your best to remove or turn off any TV’s in that room, to minimize distractions.
I have an actual home office (pictured above). My desk and office chair were less than $200, and I only use it for work. When we bought our home, the additional room that we turned into my office came with windowed French doors. I can see out, yet have privacy when needed. This means that when I’m done, I literally leave the office, turn out the lights and shut the doors behind me. I only have listening devices in my office, so that I can enjoy music, but I do not have a TV in my office. Sorry Dr. Phil!
2) Be sure to wake up at the same time you did when you were going to work remotely. Do not change your routine. Shower, brush your teeth, make your coffee and/or breakfast and change clothes (well, if you want to), so you feel like you’re going to work, because you are!
3) Inform your household when you have meetings, to minimize noise and distractions. Go into a room and close the door and have others close their doors.
Also, I really suggest not multi-tasking while in a meeting. My supervisor once told me that she could tell that I was giving meetings my undivided attention, and that’s because I made a conscious decision to not do other work while in a meeting, which can easily be done when doing phone conferences. I feel that I need to be extra focused because I’m not physically in a board room or meeting room, and I can do my part by eliminating as many distractions as possible.
One more thing about meetings: TAKE NOTES! I’m better at remember things when I write things down in a notebook or on Post-Its. Whether you physically write them down or type it up in your computer, always take notes when in meetings. With everything going on at your home office, it’s easier to recall information when you have it written down or typed somewhere.
4) Make time for scheduled breaks and lunches. Set alarms or email alerts as needed and take them! Do your best to not work through your breaks, because we all need them, especially at home. Make time for your lunch and physically step away from your work space, even if that means that you only go to your kitchen, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk.
5) If you have young kids, give them homework, reading, or a schedule that emulates school. Make sure they get up and have breakfast & lunch, just like if they were in school. Make the distinction between vacation and school hours, like you do for your work space. Our son finishes his Spring Break this week, and he will be home indefinitely. He knows that while he won’t be in school for an extended unknown amount of time, this is no longer a break or vacation. We informed him that when he wakes up in the morning, he will have breakfast, then I have math and reading for him to do, in addition to practicing his trumpet.
6) If you work under a manager or supervisor, inform them of the work you accomplish daily. If you are your own boss, make a schedule and a to do list, and make sure you check things off! I send my supervisor a daily “Tomorrow’s Tasks” email, explaining what I accomplished during the day, and what I will be working on the following day. She let me know that she likes those emails, because she never has to wonder what I’m doing each day.
And there you have it, my tips on how I work successfully from home! I hope they helped in some small way, and please, let me know if you have any other tips and tricks as well. Cheers!