Last week, my British shopping dreams came true in my hometown: I had the pleasure and privilege of attending some lovely events related to the TOPSHOP/TOPMAN grand opening at Fashion Valley Mall! A very lucky few of us were able to attend a press preview event the night before, where we got the chance to tour and shop this beautiful space before the grand opening. Upon entering the store, I felt like there was something special happening. Even though I’ve been to the New York and Las Vegas locations, in addition to two locations in London (Oxford Circus and Knightsbridge), there was just something wonderful about having a location in San Diego. I guess I feel like there is a tiny bit of London that I could visit whenever I wanted to, right in my own backyard. I’ve captured everything in pictures and split them up between the different events. Thank you to Noelle and Chris of Fashion Valley, and to Camille and Marisa of TOPSHOP/TOPMAN for allowing me to attend these wonderful events for the grand opening of one of my all time favorite shops. Cheers!
It was nice to walk around while the store was nearly empty, as I’m sure I’ll never get to see it like that again!
A section called “Jersey”, which houses all of their basics.
Yes it does! I think that will be my next sweatshirt…
I’m taking the hubby here soon!
The shoe wall. Glorious, isn’t it?
The TOPSHOP Stylist section. It’s an adorable area!
Thank you to stylist Sierra for helping me out for the evening and making me feel special. And yes, I bought that poncho!
A couple of mini-hauls: Picture 1 – Our gift bag from TOPSHOP; Picture 2 – My purchases for the evening, which was an adorable necklace, a hat, and the poncho I tried on in the picture above.
The outdoors DJ for the day, greeting the shoppers who came in droves for the opening!
People who made purchases were treated to an exclusive TOPSHOP screen printed shirt (while supplies lasted)!
So sad that I missed Cold War Kids…but I had to get home early to finish Halloween costumes for the family!
We saw so many fellow bloggers that night. It was lovely (as always) to hang out again with Laura of the blog Laura Neuzeth, and especially to help her capture her meeting one of her favorite musical artists, Devendra Banhart.
I brought my BFF Janice as my “+1” for the evening, and here are a couple of snapshots from our PHHHOTO videos (I’m wearing that hat I bought at the preview night). One of the videos is below. Such a fun camera!
Here’s a full video from TOPSHOP’s official You Tube channel of the San Diego store grand opening!