Dominic is mesmerized right now. Puppet. Shmuzzies. Fido. Action Fingers. Shane. David. I don’t know what magic they hold, but they’ve got a hold of my son.

The Upside Down Show - Nick Jr
Have you seen “The Upside Down Show” on Nick Jr? It’s a live action show featuring Shane Dundas and David Collins as brothers who live in a house with crazy rooms and lively characters. They perform a lot of physical comedy involving a “remote that does heaps of cool things.” This imaginary remote allows the viewers to take control of the brother’s actions, including pause, fast forward, slow motion, instant replay (my favorite) and rewind.
If you ask Dominic to show you “Action Fingers”, he will imitate the little digital heroes Knuckles and Pointy. Basically, it’s the fingers of Shane and David as super heroes that they call upon to assist them throughout the show (imagine the Yellow Pages fingers running around the show performing heroic stunts).
I looked Shane and David up, and they are physical comedians from Australia called The Umbilical Brothers. They created 13 episodes of “The Upside Down Show” back in 2006 for Nick Jr. From what I’ve read, the reviews were not great so they were not renewed for the next season.
I think Dominic would beg to differ because he loves this show (he just laughed out loud at the Shmuzzies, little fuzzy creatures that thrive on rhyming). I will be buying the DVD’s of their only season because it will come in handy for when we take that long drive to Las Vegas. We already have 3 DVD’s of “Wow Wow Wubbzy!” and “The Upside Down Show” will be the next set to add to Dominic’s growing library. Again, I don’t know what his fascination is with this show. But if it will hold his attention enough for me to write this blog entry, then they’ve got my vote for best show on Nick Jr.