Here are the easy steps on how you can make your own greeting cards at home. I’ve been making cards for around 8 years now, and I seldom buy greeting cards unless in an absolute emergency (because I’m not near my house) or due to pure laziness. If you like to scrapbook and create with rubber stamps, you will enjoy making greeting cards.
What you will need to get started: Rubber stamps, ink, a paper-cutter, scissors, adhesive (I use a Hermafix dispenser), printed scrapbook paper, card stock, colored construction paper, mounting tape, embellishments (such as stickers)
Note: Sometimes it’s hard to come up with new designs on the fly, so to help save time and spark creativity, I purchased a themed scrapbook page making kit (which included cut outs, printed paper, flat and raised stickers). Also, most of my rubber stamps and ink are from Stampin’ Up (others are from my personal collection). Most of the paper products and tools were purchased at Michaels.

1. For this card, I cut the printed scrapbook paper with a paper-cutter to the size of the bottom of the blank card

These are some rubber stamps I've collected from all over the world (and Stampin' Up!). I use these to show the cards are created and designed by me!