Electric Lemonade: Hot Place, Cool Vintage

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As part of our Las Vegas adventures last weekend, I decided to seek out vintage stores in and around town.  I convinced my husband to take me to a store I discovered called Electric Lemonade, which led to the discovery of the Las Vegas Arts District (aka 18b).   When I think of Vegas, I definitely think of the nightlife and shows as it relates to what’s available on The Strip.  Since I’ve been married to a Las Vegas native for the last 6 years, I’ve definitely come to know Vegas as an actual town with schools and family life.  Now that I’ve stumbled upon 18b, I feel I’ve discovered a cool little secret that not many people know about.  More about 18b in a later post, I promise!

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Although, I have to admit it was quite hot inside because their air conditioning broke, Electric Lemonade is a cool spot for vintage (I love the marshmallow/pill couch). When it’s a bit cooler, I’ll go back because while I love to try things on, it was just too hot to try everything I would have liked to.  However, my husband did find a couple of cool things.  Dig if you will the awesome pattern of that floral shirt.  He said that he wants to wear it with my linen fedora and shorts, for a truly tropical vintage vacay look.  The best story is behind that Buddy Holly shirt.  Deon found it when I was trying on clothing.  I heard him telling the two people working in the store about how he saw the show in London when he was in high school.  He showed me the shirt, and of course I had to add it to my vintage t-shirt collection.

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Below are some pictures we took while walking towards an event called “First Friday“, which looks to be like a street fair.  Although we wanted to and we did try, we didn’t stay out too long because it was just way too hot.  But I’ll be sure to do another blog post about the Arts District and First Friday…when it’s cooler!

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A flier showing stores in a section of 18b called “Antique Alley”.

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Two more very cute vintage stores:  The Gypsy Den and Glam Factory Vintage.

DSC01786 (2) (961x1280)Art is everywhere!

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Love this adorable storage unit.  So happy!

Weekend in Pictures: The Fourth in Vegas

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This past weekend, Deon, Dominic and I all went to Las Vegas to spend the 4th of July.  We try to make to Vegas for the 4th every July, but we missed last year there because it was on a Wednesday and I was watching my days off for my London/Paris trip.  This year with plenty of vacation time and a new job, we spent most of last week with the in-laws.  I will have a flurry of posts about our stay because we visited a few new places (well, new to me) that were definitely post-worthy.  In the meantime, here are a few random pictures and a video of the “Lucky Leprechaun Fountain” firework, lit just for Dominic because his favorite color is green.  Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!

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Photo 1: Finally settling in after arriving in Vegas.  Photo 2: Gretel in a dress. Not sure how she felt about it…

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The 2013 San Diego County Fair, Part 2: Fun With Food

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Happy Fourth of July everyone!  Right now, I’m Las Vegas visiting our in-laws, but this is part two of our visit to the 2013 San Diego County Fair, which is all about the food.  But I must make special mention of the photo above of Dominic in all of his green glory.  He picked his outfit that day, and what you can’t see are his sandals, which also have a touch of neon green (yes, green is his favorite color).

On our first visit, we made a stop at one of our favorite spots, Chicken Charlie’s.  They always have some kind of wonderful and interesting deep-fried fare, and this year was no exception.  Despite the mixed reviews of the Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe, I actually liked it.  I’m a sucker for savory and sweet, and it delivered.  The deep-fried cookie dough was ooey-gooey good, but I could only eat one.  I took notes from my sister and her friends, and brought Zip-Lock baggies to take home what we couldn’t finish at the Fair.  I then had one of my new fair favorites: fried cheese curds.  I know they’re probably best in Wisconsin, but I think the ones I had at the Fair were pretty darned good.  Deon and Dominic took it easy with corn dogs and roasted corn.  The biggest disappointment was the bacon cotton candy.  I was expecting it to be maple flavored, sprinkled with bacon bits.  But it was pre-packaged and tasted nothing like bacon.  Save your $5 for something better and get a dish with real bacon at Bacon A-Fair.  I can’t believe another year of the Fair has come and gone!  Thank you for another fun one, San Diego County Fair.  We look forward to more fantastic fair goodies next year!

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“Aerial” shot of Chicken Charlie’s, my deep-fried goodness destination.

SD Fair 2013 Collage 3Photo 1: Deep-fried cookie dough; Photo 3: Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe.  Yup, I had them.

SD Fair 2013 Collage 9Ah cheese curds, how I love thee!

SD Fair 2013 Collage 4Deon, Dominic and roasted corn, both days!

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On the Sky Ride.  Our awesome “aerial” shots came as a result of this ride.

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SD Fair 2013 Collage 12Dear bacon cotton candy: I wanted to love you so much, but I’m sorry it was not to be…

Sparkling ICE SD Fair 2013 2 (1280x960)Like our “Freeze Frame” shot, courtesy of Sparkling Ice?  We had free tasters, and my favorite was the Black Raspberry and the Pina Colada (click on the picture for their Facebook page).

DSC01691 (1280x960)From Dominic’s point-of-view.  It’s his first ever picture, taken all by himself!

DSC01645 (2) (1280x854)Good-bye San Diego County Fair…until next year!

The 2013 San Diego County Fair, Part 1: Game On!

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It’s that time again for the San Diego County Fair.  I can’t believe it’s already been a year!  Because this is the Fourth of July weekend and my family will be travelling to Las Vegas this week, I thought I’d dedicate this week to the Fair, and break our visit into two parts: this post will be about the sights & sounds.  We bought the “Unlimited Admission” pass again, but we were able to get it at a group rate.  That price brought it down to the regular price for a single day ticket, which paid for itself after our first weekend at the Fair (we went two weekends in a row).  The theme this year was “Game On!”, so there were plenty of game related sights all around.  The next post will be about, what else, the food!  Hope you had a great weekend!

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Dominic actually won a coupon for 2 pieces of fruit from 7-11!

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Photos 1 & 2: A gigantic rabbit!  Photos 3 & 4:  Dominic getting to know a few animals.

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We have entered “The Fun Zone”

SD Fair 2013 Collage 7Dominic’s favorite ride was from Michael Jackson’s “Neverland Ranch”, and he was just tall enough to take his first “big boy” ride!  In fact, he loved it so much, he insisted to go back on during our second visit.

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(This photo is from our second visit.)

SD Fair 2013 Collage 13“Twist to the left, back to the right. Twist and turn, til you’ve got it right…” Part of the Get The Balance Right video by Depeche Mode is at an amusement park, riding bumper cars (during that very part of the song).  On this one, Dominic nearly lost his beloved Rickie Fowler Puma hat!

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SD Fair 2013 Collage 2More photos from day 2: Deon has a love/hate relationship with the “Shooting Star” gallery game.  Just a few more shots, and he would have had it!

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Whew, thank goodness I wore comfy shoes (thank you Dansko)!

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One last photo at the end of our first day at the fair.  Part two later this week!

Bonus video:  Last year, I wasn’t able to get video coverage of our zip line adventures.  This year, I was able to catch Deon doing it, and pulling a “Spider-Man”!

Wedding Outfit Remixed

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I wore this outfit to a wedding last October (post here), but remixed it and wore it to work before I wore it to CJ’s wedding (original post here).  I really played up the burgundy of my dress by doing the “matchy-matchy” thing with my shoes, purse and glasses.  But it really worked well together because they were slightly different shades of burgundy, and I was sure to break everything up with black.

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Wedding Outfit Remix Accessory Collage

Outfit – Kirna Zabete for Target dress; Nordstrom cardigan (old); Express belt; Talbots shoes; Michael Kors watch; Wendy Brandes genie necklace; Vintage purse from Bad Madge & Company; iSee glasses from GlassesUSA; Rings by Suki Bijoux; Earrings by Momotique and bracelet made by Amy Butzen, both gifts from my best friend Janice; Maybelline Color Show Fashion Prints Nail Stickers in Sapphire Jewels; Haircut by Jazzie at Deb-N-Hair

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Isn’t my boy handsome? *proud Mama*

Weekend in Pictures: In Good Company

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A few weekends ago, the company I work for had a very lovely Family Day for their employees and loved ones, which included a lunch and tickets to four museums of our choice at Balboa Park.  I brought my boys with me, and we started the day very early to ensure we could take in as much as we could before Dominic needed a nap.  Our day started off at the San Diego Air & Space Museum with a breakfast snack and a tour of the museum before a fabulous lunch (which also included a complimentary space picture, seen above).  There was a special exhibition by Ripley’s Believe or Not before we made our way through the rest of the museum.  We then headed to the San Diego Automotive Museum and ended our day at The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center, where my mom and dad used to take me and my sister nearly every month when we were kids.  My husband and I both brought our cameras, so it took me a bit of time to go through all of the pictures we had for this post.  We had such a wonderful time, and I would like to thank my company for a fantastic soiree.  Hope you had a great weekend!

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The San Diego Air & Space Museum

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Just a sampling of the fantastic food at the breakfast and luncheon.

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We Can Do It Jellybeans Collage

The Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Exhibition.  Can you believe those are Jelly Belly jelly beans?!

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Very “True Blood”, no?

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Impressive to be so close to a piece of history:  The Berlin Wall.

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Of course, Dominic finds Angry Birds!

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The tallest man in the world.  We are not even close!

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The Air & Space Museum displays.  Did you know Duran Duran’s first choice of band name was RAF, which stood for the Royal Air Force?

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Check out Dominic with Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel, saving the day against the Red Baron!

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When he saw the face painter, Dominic had to get his staple, Spiderman!  Then he did what any superhero would do: Jumped on the moon and flew a plane.  All in a day’s work!

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At The San Diego Automotive Museum.  Dominic’s version of what he would fill his garage with.

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*sigh* My dream Vespa…

Delorean CollageHave DeLorean, will travel…back to the future!

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I think the description says it all.  Check out the hooka in the front of the car!

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The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center.  We definitely took in more activities than pictures!  The ones included are from my iPhone, except for Dominic in the fire truck at Kid City.

Bonne Bouffe à Bo-Beau

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Merci again to Bing Translator for the translation of the title of my post (I used the same translator for my post about Paris last summer).  It should roughly translate to “Great Food at Bo-Beau”.  This is another catch-up restaurant post from a dinner out with Janice and Regi.  We’re always ready to try out new places, and Regi heard Bo-Beau in Ocean Beach was a great new French bistro.  We have had great luck with French cuisine, so Janice and I trusted Regi with her choice.  We had been to this location before when it was Thee Bungalow.  I remember that night well because it was when I announced to Regi for the first time I was pregnant (Janice had found out the week prior).  Now, here we are five years later at the same location, but different restaurant.

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Already I fell in love with the locks on the grid right outside of the entrance.  It reminded me of Pont de l’Archevêché (Archbishop’s Bridge) in Paris from my trip last summer with Janice.  We both said at Bo-Beau that we should have bought padlocks and placed them on the bridge out there. C’est la vie!  The interior reminded me of a little place my husband and I had dinner at, also in Paris.  It was a tiny bistro where we knew only locals frequented because it was quite tucked away and accessed by unpaved roads that were down the street from our hotel.  With this kind of atmosphere, I expected and anticipated only great things once we were ready to have dinner!

Janice arrived about 20 minutes after I did, so Regi and I started off with drinks and an appetizer.  Both drinks reminded me of creations at Callooh Callay in London and were très fantastique.  The Charcuterie Board appetizer was very simple, but quite filling and great for more than two people.  Once Janice arrived, we ordered our dinners.  As usual, we made sure to order different dishes for sampling purposes.  I’m glad we waited because Janice and I nearly ordered the same dish, which was the Mac n Cheese.  That allowed me to order the Burger Royale with Cheese, and I made sure to add the fried egg.  Regi ordered from the Moules & Frites menu (mussels and fries).  I thoroughly enjoyed my burger, which I can safely say was the best restaurant burger I have ever had.  I loved the pork belly patty with the fried pancetta, but loved it even more with the fried egg.  The fries were cooked with rosemary and the aioli sauce completely complimented them.

We ended our food love-fest with the Ménage à Trois for dessert, which prompted a flurry of funny posts on Facebook that I won’t share here.  My two favorite parts of the dessert involved chocolate, which is not normally the case.  I was pleasantly surprised that the peanut butter brittle was light, crisp and sweet and went wonderfully with the chocolate ganache, so it was like a really fancy Butterfinger.  Just the mention of “sea salt caramel house made marshmallow” made the Amaretto pot de crème already sound absolutely delicious and did not disappoint.  The cheesecake was more tart than I’m used to, but the fresh fruit atop took the edge off.

After telling my husband about Bo-Beau, he wants to head out there to enjoy the Burger Royale in person, while I try the Brown Butter Gnocchi.  Hopefully they will still have the Strawberry Shortcake on their dessert menu because I really was torn between that and the Ménage à Trois.  I guess Bo-Beau has secured a future visit, and I promise to wear better shoes than I did that night because parking is at a premium in that area.  Overall, delicious dining in a lovely French inspired atmosphere.  Bon Appétit!

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Janice and I had Le Romantique – Belevdere black raspberry, pomegranate, rose petal nectar, champagne and a rose petal; Regi had Le Esprit de la Saison – Absolut Mango, citronage, sage, cucumbers, lime juice and orange bitters. 

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Charcuterie Board:  Five meats, three cheeses, salad and two mustards.

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Regi’s dish:  This is either the Bier n Brat Mussels (racer 5 IPA, bratwurst, red chilis, caramelized onion, whole grain mustard, scallions or the Moules a la Espana (chorizo, potatoes, tomato, shaved fennel, smoked paprika, red bell peppers)

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Janice’s dish:  Leek “Fondue” Mac N Cheese (cheddar gratinee with the works, pancetta and lobster)

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My dish:  Burger Royale with Cheese (pork belly patty, gruyere cheese, green peppercorn aioli sauce, pomme frites with a fried free-range egg and I had them add the pancetta.)

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Our dessert: The Ménage à Trois (chocolate ganache with gluten-free peanut butter brittle; tart cherry cheesecake with graham cracker crust; Amaretto pot de crème, with sea salt caramel house made marshmallow).

The 25th Anniversary of 101 by Depeche Mode (And Why it Still Hurts)

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Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of Depeche Mode’s 101 concert, held on June 18th, 1988 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.  It was the last stop of their Music for The Masses tour, and although I had already gone to a show during that tour in San Diego, I needed to attend this one because it was announced this would be a very special concert filmed by D.A. Pennebaker, the same director of U2’s Rattle and Hum.  It proved to be a great show because Thomas Dolby and OMD were set to open.  As a devoted fan, of course I bought a ticket straight away and was all ready to go.  But because of traditional Filipino superstitions, my mom and dad were afraid of my travelling to see a show right before a big event: my high school graduation.  Needless to say, they vetoed my trip.  I begged, pleaded, wrote heart-felt letters and cried, but to no avail.  I ended up selling my ticket to my friend Aaron, who said that if my situation ever changed I could just say the word and the ticket was mine again.  Aaron, along with my friends Robby and Brad even made a last-ditch effort to come by my house on the way up to Pasadena to convince my parents to let me go, but they just couldn’t be swayed.  I found out later that the most casual of Depeche Mode fans from my high school were there.  I truly felt like everyone went, except for me.

I listened longingly to 91X that day, hearing updates and live feeds from the Rose Bowl, wishing I was listening to updates by Richard Blade on KROQ for the real deal.  I silently roamed around the house like I was lost.  Finally, my mom convinced me to go shopping, and she bought me several Depeche Mode records and CDs, all to satiate me but it just wasn’t enough.  My fate was sealed, and I would not be a part of history in the making.

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For someone who relives those moments at odd times, like when we’re driving on the 101 in Los Angeles, I sure have quite a bit of memorabilia of that day.  I think Robby brought me back the shirt pictured above.  Later when the movie was complete, I still went to a showing here in San Diego because I still wanted to be a part of it, even thought I wasn’t really a part of it originally.  I had strategically placed Depeche Mode stickers all over the back of my little red Honda Civic hatchback back then, and returned from the movie to love notes with phone numbers from other fangirls, who I’m sure hoped the car belonged to some cool British guy.  I should have had one of my guy friends call them back for shits and giggles, but I wasn’t that cruel at that time.  In fact, I suppose I could have lied to my parents back then as well, telling them I was just going to hang out with friends and just went to the concert, but I was just too innocent and honest back then.

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So here I am, 25 years later, still a bit bitter.  I think it’s why I made sure to have my name in the Talk Talk book and in the liner notes of Cy Curnin’s new album, because it makes up for not being a part of one of the biggest moments in Depeche Mode’s history.  I mentioned in a previous post (here) why I didn’t pick the Music for The Masses tour as one of my favorites because of the 101 concert being a sore spot for me.  Despite the sting in my brooding heart, I have included the set list of the San Diego date of the Music for the Masses tour, which I believe emulates the 101 concert.  I just noticed Just Can’t Get Enough is not in the second encore of the San Diego show, but it is in the 101 concert CD and movie.  They also played Somebody for the 101 concert, but they didn’t play it for the San Diego show.

I know it reads like sad memory, but it really is just a vivid memory.  It’s amazing what you can recall when there is enough emotion behind it, even when it’s 25 years later.

Music For The Masses Tour – San Diego, CA; December 7, 1987

  1. PIMPF
  2. Behind The Wheel
  3. Strangelove
  4. Sacred
  5. Something To Do
  6. Blasphemous Rumours
  7. Stripped
  8. Pipeline
  9. The Things You Said
  10. Black Celebration
  11. Shake The Disease
  12. Nothing
  13. Pleasure, Little Treasure
  14. People Are People
  15. A Question of Time
  16. Never Let Me Down Again


  1. A Question of Lust; Master & Servant
  2. Everything Counts

 (Note:  All items pictured are from my personal collection.)

I Want Somebody to Share, Share the Rest of My Life

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A couple of weekends ago, my family travelled up to Palmdale to share a special day with my younger cousin, CJ.  He married the love of his life, Jaime and they had a beautiful travel themed wedding.  I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves.  Hope you all had a great Father’s Day weekend!

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(The title of this post are lyrics from the song Somebody by Depeche Mode.)

Dinner at Bellefleur

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I’m playing catch-up with some posts about restaurants I have visited in the last month, and this will be a quick one.  When my mother-in-law came to visit at the beginning of May, we wanted to eat dinner close to where she was staying prior to the Carlsbad Village Faire.  I remembered there was a restaurant I had not eaten at yet at the Carlsbad Premium Outlets called the Bellefleur, and we agreed it would be a quick and easy way for a nice sit down dinner with the family.  Happily enough, we came at a great time because they had a 3 course chef special, celebrating their 15 years in Carlsbad.  The special was just $15, so we all chose to eat from their prix fixe menu.  My choices are all pictured below, and were all fantastic.  Because we arrived quite late for dinner, we saw the set up and asked our server about the brunch.  He described all of the wonderful food and we decided that when my mother-in-law returns to San Diego, we plan on going to their Sunday Champagne Brunch.

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Tomato bisque soup

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Blackened chicken pasta

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Chocolate mousse

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Dominic with Grandma