I have been referring to my Whole30 group on Facebook each day for recipe ideas in addition to support, and I tried my first Whole30 approved recipe at home while I was in Las Vegas. I apologize for the appearance of my pancakes. I was in my mother-in-law’s kitchen and did not have all of my utensils at my disposal. The recipe came from the blog, With A Ch (post seen here), and Christin’s pictures are far and away more appetizing looking than what I created. I made the same basic recipe (eggs and banana blended with cinnamon for the batter) and cooked them with a light brush of extra virgin olive oil on my pan. The only change was that I added fresh strawberries rather than try to make warm fruit syrup. I really enjoyed these pancakes, and I promise to post better pictures at my next attempt (believe me, adding the cinnamon really made these taste like french toast). I feel that it’s something that I can have often because it’s easy to vary the taste by changing the fruit that will accompany the pancakes.
As this posts, this will be day 17 of the Whole30 program, and all in all I’m feeling pretty good. I can definitely say that the most difficult part was the first five days, and then trying eat with a group of friends during a late night excursion in Las Vegas. Other than that, it’s been fun to challenge myself to eat a greater variety of foods. For instance, I have never tried spaghetti squash before, and I had it for the first time last week because I wanted to have “pasta” with my son and husband. So while they had the regular spaghetti, I had the squash as my alternative and it was quite good and surprisingly easy to make (I’ll post pictures when I make it again). My husband says he’s proud of my committment and I’ll have to say, so am I. Once you take that deep dive, the rest is actually smooth sailing!
What I’ve discovered
As far as how I feel mentally and physically, I feel great. I was tired at first, but I’ve read it’s because my body is getting used to functioning without all of the processed foods and preservatives. I’ve read some reactions of others who have gone through this program, but I’ve discovered a few things about myself that I wanted to share.
Less bloating
I noticed immediately that I am far less bloated. I thought bloating was specific to my time of the month, but I realize now that it could be that the bloating was being caused by what I’ve been eating. My dresses seem to fit better and so to my jeans. I don’t excercise much, but I do feel my belly getting flatter and flatter.
*Gulp* You mean I don’t really need coffee?!
Oh my, I hate to admit this because I have lauded my coffee praises for so long now, but I haven’t needed coffee in the mornings like I used to! I have been a double espresso kinda girl for years now, knowing that my headaches would arrive quickly if I didn’t have my fix, but I have found that the only time I needed any coffee was to ensure that I stayed awake during our drive to and from Las Vegas earlier this month. Other than that, I nurse my morning cup-o-Joe to the point where I take a couple sips and I’m fine. So was I really addicted to the caffeine or the cream and sugar that I put in it? I think I’ll be able to solidify my findings at the end of the month.
I miss bread & pasta more than sweets
I thought I would miss chessecake, cupcakes, pies, ice cream, candy, and chocolate, but not as much as I thought. I will admit here and now that I miss croissants, bread, rolls, tortillas, and any baked good. I also miss any and all pastas. I think I was more a carb person than a sweets person, which goes against everything I understood about my “sweet tooth” growing up. Is there such a thing as a “carb tooth”? If so, I think I have it.
Just do it!
Despite what kind of cravings you have and what your eating habits are, if you’ve heard about this program and want to try it, just do it. Knowing my own eating habits, I was also worried, but this program will alter your way of thinking about food completely. If anything, I think I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the large variety of foods that are out there other than the processed and easy alternatives. It’s really so much easier than you think it will be and the results are worth it!