Time Won’t Give Me Time

So true, Mr. George O’Dowd (AKA Boy George).

I don’t know how I lose track of time so easily, but I do.  I’m always finding myself rushing to meet a deadline, or rushing to get to an appointment.  I try so hard to get ready ahead of time, so that I won’t be late, but maybe I just work that way.

In “He’s Just Not That Into You”, Alex (Justin Long) says to Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) that women love the drama, which is why we become late on bills and why we deal with men in a certain way.

I was talking to a co-worker, shared that same quote, and she and I feel the same: it’s not about the drama, we just thrive under pressure.  When something is due a month ahead, I never finish anywhere near the middle of the month.  I’m always good at prepping for that deadline that far in advance, but once the prep work is done, that’s when I procrastinate.  But it’s not because I like the dramatic side of getting close to a deadline, it’s because I have nothing motivating me to get it done sooner.

One time in college, I knew that I had a paper due on the Monday right after a big family party in the Palmdale/Victorville area of California.  I wanted to get it done ahead of time, so I had all week to write that paper.  What did I do?  I wrote that paper the Friday night before we left that Saturday, burning the midnight oil until I finished that paper, which was at 7am.  I packed for 2 hours.  We then left around 9am, so the only sleep I had was the 3 hours driving there from San Diego!

Even when I’m trying to get ahead, I’m still can’t do it until the last possible minute.  Believe it or not, I received a decent grade on that paper (I think it was a B+), so I guess there is a method to my madness after all.


  1. You packed for two hours. You packed for two hours…! You packed for two hours?!

    Damn – all I need is hair gel, jeans, toothbrush, a shirt and some lube. Two seconds 😉 !

    1. I am a straight woman, you my dear are not.

      Need I explain more?

      Also, the fact that you did not include at least a clean pair of underwear in your list is disturbing… 🙂

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