Farewell 2010: My Year in Pictures

This has been a spectacular year, and I have so many wonderful memories that I was able to capture in pictures. Having a son means documenting his every move, which means that I’m capturing everything around us as well. Also having this blog has me thinking in terms of pictures, locations and how to style myself and what I’m photographing. So my last post of 2010 will be a year in review in pictures.

Some pictures I haven’t shared yet (I started this blog in July of this year, so I included some from my trip to NYC and other events prior to July). I also included pictures from my favorite outfit pictorials. I also included my most viewed post, which happens to be the recipe for Lauren Conrad’s Eggnog Cookies! 

(Next highest viewed posts were all the ones featured on IFB and all posts on Depeche Mode.)

I want to thank you all for stopping by and reading my humble little blog about so many of my favorite things and happenings in my life, and I hope you continue to follow along. I also want to thank my friends and family for all of your support, especially my husband and my son. I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year. See you in 2011!


  1. love love love this post! i know exactly what you mean about thinking of things in pictures… especially with having a blog. love your outfit pictures, of course, and how cute is mei lin in the pedicure chair. she’s so tiny!! sooo cute!!! love it. =)

      1. she may not need one. she does her own nails and make-up, she even puts some on me. yes, she know how and her mommy doesn’t. that is so sad.

  2. Love that utliity box painted to look like a Rubik’s cube. Where is that? I love taking photos of these painted boxes all over San Diego….

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