Weekend in Pictures: Janurary 8 & 9

This was another semi-lazy weekend. On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister and our kids while my husband went to Pasadena to try out a new golf course and my mom went to the local casino (there are many here in San Diego). The kids had fun running around Old Navy and I bought them each a ball. Dominic was having too much fun to pose for any pictures, so my sister just got a photo of Mei-Lin with her ball and the little Old Navy dog.  I know she was happier than she looks in the picture.  Both the kids were so tired by the end of the day and immediately fell asleep about an hour later on the way home from a full day of shopping.

On Sunday, my mom bought my son an indoor tent to play around in. My son is having a great time going in and out of the little openings, and I’m excited to see how they will play together when my niece stops by this week. How was your weekend?

Photo 1 by Rholnna Jiao