Photos From the lululemon athletica Grand Opening at Fashion Valley

lululemon breakfast

With Dominic in school, I’m finding myself busier than ever, so I’ll be posting several catch up posts.  Here are some photos from the lululemon athletica grand opening at Fashion Valley a couple of weeks ago, which included a lovely brunch at True Food Kitchen.  After the fantastic meal, we were treated to a sneak peek of the new store, which was full of fashionable ways to get you moving.

Thank you Fashion Valley, lululemon and True Food Kitchen for a lovely morning!

IMG_3180 (2) (853x1280)My morning began with a Honeydew Mint Soda and coffee with Stevia at True Food Kitchen. Refreshing!

IMG_3176 (2) (1280x1280)  Everything at the Day Breaker Brunch was fantastic!

IMG_3181 (2) (1280x854)Music for the day was provided by Juice Box, follow them on Facebook!lululemon collage 2

IMG_3182 (2) (854x1280)The new lululemon athletica store

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lululemon collage 1

IMG_3188 (2) (1088x1280)Love the messages all around the store. Very inspirational.

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IMG_3183 (2) (923x1280)Lots of clothing for any activity, from sporty…

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IMG_3192 (2) (1280x1280)to fashionable!

IMG_3197 (2) (853x1280)With Eva (California Pix and Eva Davidova Art).  She’s so lovely and tall, she had to scrunch down to take a picture with me…notice she’s in Converse and I’m in a heeled boot!

IMG_3199 (2) (1280x1280)#SDStyleBloggers represent #thesweatlife! (with Tanya of La Bella Tanchi and Eva)