Author Archives: Cyrillynn

Coat of the Week: Minor Setback

As my husband and I were setting up for pictures of the first outfit for my “Coat of the Week” pictorial, we experienced a minor setback:  I broke my camera.  I was walking away from my husband while handing him the camera and didn’t realize that my hand was still in the strap.  Next thing I know…crash!  My little Canon Power Shot never stood a chance against that tough pavement.  We need to send it into the manufacturer to get it fixed.

We managed to get a picture before it completely stopped working.  Luckily for us, we have more than one working camera.  I’ll be using either a Pentax Optio 750Z or my husband’s Sony A (alpha) 350.

When at first you don’t succeed…try, try again!

Outfit:  Rodarte for Target jacket; H&M shirt; Miss Selfridge wide legged pants & pendant; bebe crown brooch; Jeffrey Campbell oxfords

Coat of the Week

Since we are going back to “business casual” at my job, I’m going to start something to spark some creativity with my clothing.  I will pick a coat or jacket out from my wardrobe and post a picture of it at the beginning of the week.  I will then post pictures of my favorite outfits I create to go with that coat.  This could be daily or just a couple of outfits during the week, depending on how well the outfits work out.  I will then choose a different coat or jacket the following week and repeat. 

This will be a fun and creative endeavor, so I hope you will enjoy what you see!  Here is the first coat that I will use this week:   The Rodarte for Target leopard print jacket that I purchased on eBay a couple of weeks ago (seen here).  I’ve been wearing it with all black lately, but I will infuse a little color and see what I can come up with.

To Recoil in Shock: Alan Wilder to Appear at M-Theory Music

Words cannot describe when I read on Facebook that Alan Wilder (formerly of Depeche Mode, currently of Recoil) will be appearing at a local music store on October 23, 2010 called M-Theory Music.  My husband wondered why I was staring at my computer slack-jawed in a stunned silence.  I called my sister.  I invited friends on Facebook.  Out of the dozens of Depeche Mode items I own (which includes some Recoil, vinyl, CDs, tour programmes and rarities), I don’t even know what to bring for him to sign. 

This will be one of the biggest musical moments of my life.

Click to Vote for “Any Second Now”



Dear friends and readers:  I appreciate all of your kind words and comments over the last few months.  This blog is so much fun and I’m learning so much!  Just a little favor:  Please vote for my blog to win the Lavin for H&M official trailer that will not be shown anywhere but on the winner’s blog. 

Just click on the picture above or on the picture in the right-hand sidebar. 

Click as often as you can, it would mean a lot. 

Thanks again!

Look for Less

I have my favorite brands, and Dolce Vita is one of them.  They have great styles at mid-range prices.  But every now and again, one can find a style at an even greater steal.  I saw this pair at Zappos for $158.95.  I like the unusual shape of the platform heel.    

Note:  Click the pictures for the links to each featured shoe   

Dolce Vita Hayword Platform Pump in Grey

A friend of mine directed me to a site called and I found a shoe that is very similar, but at a value price of $32!  This deal was just too good to pass up, so I got a pair.    

Bamboo Recap 01 Faux Suede Platform Wedge in Taupe has been featured in dozens of magazines and not only do they have fantastic prices on great brands (like Jeffery Campbell), but they have a vintage section, too.  Since it’s a nice Friday evening, I’m going to explore everything this fabulous site has to offer.  I have a feeling I’ll find a deal or two, or three.

Dolly Batts & Clobber at Bona Drag

(Translation:  Nice shoes and clothes at Bona Drag) 

If you listen to Morrissey, you would recognize the name of this fantastic website from his album “Bona Drag” which is Polari for “Nice Outfit”.  I’ve featured this site before (here, here, and in my “Go Shopping!” section).  I dug in a little deeper and found so many favorite items.  Scroll down and I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m featuring them again (the black and bone Hathaway wedges by Jeffrey Campbell are to die for). 

Added notes:    Heather Wojner, owner of this unique online boutique, is originally from Milwaukee, but currently hails from Encinitas (north of where I live in San Diego).  With my recent purchase, I received a very cool music compilation CD.  I asked Heather if she had any updates for folks out there about happenings on their site.  Her site is currently being redesigned and will launch in a couple of weeks.  I’ll miss the laser kitties that appear on the site now, but I’m looking forward to anything Bona Drag has to offer. 

Pyramid Print Poncho Dress - Mara Hoffman

Ember Canvas Lace Up Boot - Jeffrey Campbell

Black Knit Zip Cardi - Something Else

Triangle Breast Plate - Pamela Love

Black Lace Flare Pants - With Hearts In My Eyes

Caos Salt and Pepper Braided Sweater - Bodkin

Black and Bone Hathaway Wedges - Jeffrey Campbell

A Cascade of Coupons

Click on each of the pictures to connect to a great deal.  Enjoy!




Sucker for Tucker

The Tucker for Target line was everything I thought it would be and more.  The prints and fabrics were so rich, light and felt gorgeous on the skin.  I purchased the signature dress in the lawn bird print and the trench jacket in green herringbone (both pictured in this post).  I wore them together for work today and received tons of compliments because the colors were fall ready (olive and violet), but still so light that I could wear them now and not feel hot and weighted down in this transitioning California weather. 

I’m going post pictures to show how versatile the looks can be with these pieces.  I wore them together today, but the dress can be worn by itself or as a layering piece because it’s a shirt dress with buttons all the way down the front. 

The trench jacket is so light that it can also be layered.  I also love that the jacket has a very pretty floral lining and the fabric color and texture made the jacket feel so very vintage.  I read a review where the person thought the trench jacket was not practical because it only had a button on the top and only wrapped at the waist without any other buttons to secure the jacket closed.  I actually found this very practical because I would wear it without the belt to give the jacket a cardigan feel.  Then I could button it at the top and use the belt to close the jacket up.  A big plus was that the jacket has pockets, which are always mommy friendly.

I wanted to love the diamond print signature dress, but the pattern didn’t look quite right on me.  My husband even said that it was too jagged, so I had to sadly leave it behind.  I will, however, be buying the skirt in orange herringbone, the tie front blouse in orange polka-dot print and the other signature dress in floral print.  I’m still deciding on the butterfly printed shirt, the tunic sweater in brown stripes and a couple of the camisole dresses.  The Persian bomber jacket…can’t forget about that either. 

If there was a camel jacket, I think Tucker for Target would have covered everything I would want for fall.  Well, almost…

Favorite New Polish: My Private Jet

Prior to FNO last Friday, I hopped into my car to get to a local salon to get my nails all gussied up for the event.  The place I had originally wanted to go was literally down the street from my in-law’s house.  When I got there, I discovered that they relocated, so I drove up Rainbow (a Las Vegas street) in a mad search for any available salon.  I finally found a place and pulled an Elle from “Legally Blonde” (for those who have not seen the movie, she nearly causes an accident after locating a salon for a nail “emergency”, which ironically this was).   Simplicity Salon is the name of my new favorite local Las Vegas salon.  All the gals there were great and my nail technician, Trista, was particularly cool.   

While there, I felt that I needed something sparkly yet understated.  I also felt my inner-goth needed to be satisfied with something dark.  I found something that actually combined the two in the best way possible.  The color is called “My Private Jet” by OPI, a glittery metallic grey that looks even better on than in the bottle.  I later discovered that there was some controversy with the color because it had undergone several incarnations (up to four different versions).  From what I’ve seen and read, the original versions were brighter and had a holographic sheen to it.  The later versions appear to be a little more toned down, which I happen to really like.    

I also found out that Kim Kardashian asked for this color by name on her reality show.  Well, that’s gotta count for something, right?   

My Private Jet on my nails, Forever 21 ring

More Precious Moments…

On our last day in Las Vegas on Saturday, I went to help my mother-in-law briefly across the room, turned around and found this (mind you, he was sitting up and the box of cookies were closed):  my son watching Nick Jr. with a now open box of cookies, his milk and crumbs all over his shirt.  He looks all of four years old instead of only 19 months and completely oblivious to anything around him.  I’m glad I was able to get this picture.  I think it describes how we all want to end a busy weekend.