It’s fun to mark these milestones in our son’s journey through school. Dominic recently got all gussied up for his very first kindergarten class picture! Not long after, my niece Mei-Lin took her class pictures as well. Here they are in the outfits they wore for “Picture Day”. Amazing how much these two have grown! Mei-Lin has definitely been paying attention during my many outfit post for this blog. She’s perfected the poses, no?
Category Archives: Baby Love
Dominic's First Day of School!
Can you believe it? Our boy had his first full week of school already! He’s going to the same elementary school where my sister and I went, and where my mom worked for many years. It was quite a surreal experience to walk through the halls of my former school with my husband, taking our son to his first day of kindergarten. There was a point during the morning where Dominic nearly cried, and looked a bit scared when we had to leave him for the first time. But when I returned to pick him up, he was all smiles and was so excited because he received his first “green ticket” for following all of the rules. All in all, a wonderful first few days of school. Cheers!
I chose to outfit him in H&M, but Dominic picked his backpack…Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Dominic enjoyed a morning snack while his new teacher went over the activities of the day.
Each time he follows the rules, Dominic will get a green ticket to take home. At the end of the month, he can get a special prize with all of the tickets he collects. To date, he already has 6 tickets!
On day 3 of his first week, Dominic picked his outfit for the day: Angry Birds!
Happy 4th Birthday Dominic!
It’s so hard to believe that another year has come and gone, and our precious boy is now four years old today. With all the craziness right now in our lives and just starting my new job, we decided to keep it very low-key this year and celebrated this past weekend with my sister’s family at John’s Incredible Pizza Co. at Plaza Bonita Mall. We started the afternoon with food and cake, and ended it with daddy winning 500 tickets! Unfortunately, grandma couldn’t make it in from Las Vegas as was originally scheduled this weekend, so we’re going to celebrate again in March. I’m pretty sure Dominic won’t mind!
With our handsome little man!
My sister’s family with the celebrant. Check out the cool Spider-Man cake!
In the midst of lunching.
Singing to the birthday boy; check out Nana getting into it (on the far right)!
Princess poses!
Concentration is the key to winning.
Daddy won 500 tickets!
A Bargain for Our Little Bunny
I try my best to be frugal with the things that I buy for our son. Dominic is growing so fast that he’s already past the little growth chart in our bedroom (he’s 39 inches at 3 years old)! With these growth spurts, it’s best to buy clothes and shoes that will be the most cost-effective because I feel like he’s growing out of his clothes literally every week. But every now and again, you see something that catches your eye and you just have to splurge just a little. This Ben Sherman British phone booth number was too cute to pass up, and I think it made for the prefect outfit for a picture with Mr. Easter Bunny (Dominic seems to be in the “forced smile” phase).
Dominic’s outfit – Ben Sherman t-shirt; H&M striped shirt; Guess jeans; Converse One Star shoes from Target; Old Navy hat
(Bonus Picture: My sister took Dominic and Mei-Lin out to the mall during a different day & they also saw the Easter Bunny. Aren’t they cute in their bunny ears?)
Weekend in Pictures: Images From a Birthday Party
Excited about his new bike from Daddy (he got a matching helmet, too!)
Here are a few images from Dominic’s birthday party last month. It was such a beautiful day at the park, which is unusual for February. Now that he’s three, he completely understands that this was his party, to celebrate all things about him. And when you’re that age, isn’t that all that matters? Hope you had a great weekend!
Playing with his new InnoTab from Grandma (he calls it his iPad). He takes it everywhere!
Happy Birthday Dominic!
Clean-Cut for the New Year

Dominic has been really good lately at sitting still and really listening to the stylist when getting his haircut. I guess part of it is because he can watch is favorite movies, “Cars” or “Cars 2”. But I think a lot of it was because this time, he got to sit in their new “ride”: a truck with flames painted on the side. I love it when my son gets a haircut because he looks so fresh and clean-cut, although he definitely looks older. My little boy isn’t looking so little anymore! It’s always nice to ring in the new year with a neat little trim, which is what I think I’ll be doing before heading out for some fun. Have a safe and happy new year weekend!
Dominic’s outfit: Old Navy hat; Roots jacket; Disney “Cars 2” t-shirt; H&M striped shirt (layered); Calvin Klein jeans (handed down from cousin Riley); Lighting McQueen shoes; new Finn McMissile car (gift from Mommy!)
FTC Disclosure: Although this is a sponsored post, the opinions, pictures & content of this post are strictly my own.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
I love the fact that my little man lets me play dress up with him. Dominic’s only requirement is that he gets to wear his “Cars” shirts. Other than that, it’s up to me on how to create the rest of the outfit around it. I know the poses are practically the same, but I just couldn’t resist because of the look on his face in each shot. Hope you had a great Christmas weekend!
Dominic’s Outfit – Disney “Cars” t-shirt; H&M striped shirt (layered); Guess jeans (handed down from cousin Riley); Kids Play jacket; Target cap; Urban scarf; Old Navy boots (and of course, one of many Lightning McQueen cars)
Have Penguin, Will Travel
Dominic is in love with his little penguin that he picked out himself when we recently took him to take pictures with the Easter Bunny at our local mall. Penguin eats with him, sleeps with him, and goes everywhere with him. This is a shot after a trip to the mall. I think the penguin just adds to the whole look. Or is it the sunnies?
Dominic’s outfit – Children’s Place polo; Gap for Kids shorts; Old Navy hat and sunglasses; One Star sneakers
Weekend in Pictures: A Red Robin, A Bunny & Some Eggs for Easter
We had a very busy Easter weekend: While Deon played a golf tournament on Saturday at Sycuan Resort and Casino (he tied for 3rd place in his division), my sister and I took the kids out to lunch and a little shopping. Then on Sunday, we went to church and then to a family Easter celebration at a local park (the picture above was actually taken at the Plaza Bonita mall near our house 2 weeks ago). It’s been a tradition to have a potluck-style picnic, then have all the kids gather together for a big Easter Egg hunt. I hope you also had a wonderful and blessed Easter!