New Life

Read about important events with these mags.

New seasons always breathe new life into pieces I think can only be worn during particular times of the year.  Having this blog and learning from all of the wonderful blogs I read allows me to approach my wardrobe differently.  I’ve worn these pieces separately during warmer times of the year (here and here).  Because of the complimentary colors, I paired them together, but added opaque tights & other darker accessories to help make it feel more like a transitional outfit.

Outfit – 3+1 Audrey dress; H&M jacket; Old Navy tights; Mossimo for Target shoes; Rebecca Minkoff 5 Zip clutch; Burberry sunnies; Juicy Couture ring; For Joseph necklace; Michael Kors watch

FTC Disclosure: Although this is a sponsored post, the opinions, pictures & content of this post are strictly my own.

Restaurant Week San Diego: January 15th through 20th

Ah yes, it is Restaurant Week again here in my fair city. If you are a foodie, this is a great time to sample lots of great eateries for great prix fixe deals for both lunch and dinner.  I had a great dinner at a French bistro called Hexagone for the most recent Restaurant Week  (post here), so we are always excited when we see indications that the next one is approaching. 

I received an email from The Cohn Restaurant Group on which of their establishments are participating this week (see the picture below).  From this list, I’ve already been to Melting Pot, La Jolla Strip Club and Indigo Grill.  Although I would go back to those places again and again, my friends and I always use Restaurant Week as a way to try places we have never been to.

So what I’ve suggested to the other two of my trio (Janice and Regi), is that we try Analog this time around.  Their prix fixe menu is a steal at $20, and they sound like out-of-the-ordinary choices.  I’m especially drawn to the lobster corn dogs minis and the Twinkie tiramisu.  Although, we may save Analog for later this month since they will actually have this menu (and price) throughout the month of January in celebration of their new menu that will be introduced in February.  Whatever our final choices will be this week, I will be sure to post a review of each of the places we visit.  Click on the pictures for either additional links or an enlarged menu for better viewing.  Happy dining!

Images courtesy of San Diego Restaurant Week and The Cohn Restaurant Group

Sing Out Loud & Dress the Part!

I posted on Wednesday that I went to a wonderful musical called miXtape with my sister during the end of last month, which celebrates the music and events of the 80’s decade.  Part of the fun of going to miXtape is that they encourage dressing the part, which my sister and I embraced fully.  I dug out badges of my favorite groups, found my PopSwatch, piled on the bracelets and featured my spiked belt.  These were all my accessory staples as a teen growing up in that awesome decade.

My sister arrived at my house with several “costume” choices, so that we could make sure we didn’t show up to the venue with the same shirt.  This proved to be the right choice, because we both would have worn our Duran Duran shirts from the 1984 “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” tour.  We also made conscious efforts to not wear any neon, sliced sweatshirts or workout gear.  It puzzles me to this day as to why it is the common impression that everyone in the 80’s dressed that way.  We wore what was called “mod” back then (kind of a “goth light”), and if you watch any British music show from the 80’s (like Top of the Pops), you’ll see that what we wore was more the norm.

When we arrived, we both were quickly aware that this wasn’t the regular night to wear 80’s gear.  I later found out that it was “Ladies Night” and that wearing 80’s gear in a group of 10 or more meant a free beverage (but there was only my sister and I in our “group”).  After the shock of seeing most of the viewing audience in regular play-going-evening-wear, we said “oh well” to each other and resigned to have fun regardless.

Oh what fun we had!  It didn’t matter what genre of music was playing, we knew all the words and sang along.  When it was a song by a group we loved, we sang a little louder.  We stood up and cheered during the entire new wave section of the musical, and I think I squealed a little when they sang “Enjoy the Silence” by Depeche Mode.  After the final curtain call, the band closed out by playing the entire song “I Melt With You” by Modern English.  My sister and I stayed behind, danced the way we did when we were teens, singing all of the lyrics.  The band pointed to us and waved, acknowledging our enthusiasm.  As we danced, a few more people stayed and danced along with us.

Outside after the show, we breathlessly chatted like we did whenever we left a concert we loved, reminiscing about our favorite parts.  We stood next to a couple who I overheard talking to another couple saying “There were these girls next to us who sang the entire time, ugh!”  As we walked away, I asked if my sister heard them, which she didn’t.  She did look back and said that they were the couple siting next to her, so I knew they were talking about us.

As I thought about it more and as my sister and I discussed it while walking to the car, we decided that it shouldn’t matter what others thought about what we wore or that we sang the entire time.  We grew up in the featured decade of miXtape, and every moment brought back a flood of memories.  When we initially walked in and thought “Uh-oh!  No one else dressed up…”, we quickly got over those feelings because the point was to have a good time.  The website clearly encouraged dressing up, and we weren’t about to pass up a fun opportunity.

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, we should definitely follow Romy and Michelle’s lead during events like this and just embrace who you are and enjoy the moment.  They were happiest when they got out of their “Business Women” outfits and wore their own creations and danced, uncaring of the people who ridiculed them back in high school.  I was one of those kids who were “left of center” and I still march to my own drummer.  Outside of my family, fashion and music are very important aspects of my life and some of the best times were wrapped up in the decade of the 80’s.  It was a time of my own self-expression, which really emerged though what I wore and what I listened to, which is what I believe the creators of miXtape were trying to evoke for those of us who grew up in that decade.

To quote Bella Q (again) of The Citizen Rosebud:  Life offers options. Dress for it!  Totally have a great weekend!

miXtape: A Musical Trip Back to the 80's

As a Christmas present for my sister last month, I found a great deal through Groupon for tickets to a show called miXtape.  We both were teens in the 80’s, so we’ve talked about and attempted to go to miXtape before, but just could never quite get it together.  My sister had vacation time between Christmas and New Year’s, so we picked a day and finally made plans.

When I posted about it on Facebook, a friend stated that she went with a large group who dressed up in 80’s gear and she wished she joined in their fun that night.  I also read that there is a “Ladies Night” and “80’s Night”, so when I suggested it to my sister, it really didn’t take much at all to convince her that we would partake in the festivities.  Although we realized later that we could get a free beverage if we dressed up as a larger group, we were stunned to be the only ones in full 80’s gear at the show (more about that in a post later this week)!

The premise of the show is around a “mixtape”.  I remember making many of these as a teen, for many reasons, and even to give to friends.  A mixtape is just a compilation of music recorded on a cassette tape, like a play list on iTunes.  What the musical presents is that a mixtape or play list can be a diary of point in time, reminding ourselves of what we did and where we were at that time in our lives.  The medleys consisted of not just songs of the 80’s, but also television show themes and movie quotes (which included a bit on one of my favorite John Hughes movies, “The Breakfast Club”).  They walked through different genres of music from top 40, to rock, to metal, country and my favorite, new wave.  They had a bit on the kids who were “mods” like myself (consider it “goth-light”, if you will) as well as the trends of the times.  It wasn’t all about happy times, but poignant ones like the Challenger crash and the beginning of the  AIDS concerns.

What we enjoyed the most was that we could sing to every song to a fantastic live band, and that they really did span all of the 80’s.  The parts we thoroughly enjoyed of course the parts that included new wave, which basically was all of the music you can find on my favorite XM Sirius station, First Wave.  They even had a snippet of Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy the Silence” because one of the characters fell in love with a guy who stood her up at one of their concerts and left her a mixtape.  Within the stroll through new wave memories, they had an entire medley of music by Duran Duran who they touted as “the best looking boys in rock” (so true at the time, and still are in my book).  Although the new wave bits brought back the most memories, a truly fun part of the show didn’t have to do with any of that.  Our seats were pretty much dead center of the small theatre, so we were hard to ignore in our full 80’s gear.  My sister was serenaded by all the males of the musical during one of the slow songs, which really pulled us into the show even more than we already were.

If you are at all a fan of 80’s music, television shows, movies and enjoy clever musicals, miXtape is a must see.  miXtape runs until February 26, 2012 (it was extended for the last two years).  If you are in the San Diego area, grab tickets, take a bunch of friends, and most of all, sing out loud and dress the part!

Holiday Images From 2011

Aren’t we just cute on Christmas Eve?

It’s hard to believe that another Christmas and New Year’s has come and gone. Here are just a few pictures of the holidays with my relatives from last month.  All of the really good photos were taken by Kate, my cousin Leonard’s wife.  The rest were from my iPhone.  All of these photos make me smile all over again because they were such great times.  It’s always nice to spend these moments with family, celebrating with food and just plain fun.  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

My contribution to the Christmas potluck:  homemade cheesecake!

I spy a present for a good little boy!

Happy cousins


All the kiddies, excited to get their presents…

And here are the parents & grandparents, capturing it on film!

A bleary-eyed little Dominic, opening presents on Christmas morning

With my hubby, at the beginning of the New Year’s Eve fun

The “Look Away”, except someone forgot to do it

Food and fun

Leonard and Kate (and me, Ms. Photo Bomb!)

Grandma, Dominic and mommy at midnight

Here’s to a great 2012!

New Shoe Round Up

New Shoe Round Up
This is just a quick tally of my recent shoe finds.  Although the prices reflected are current, I included the prices I actually paid for these great shoes.   Remember:  be prepared to hunt and try your best to avoid settling for full price.  Have a great weekend!

Laird by Vince Camuto
$125 – (Final price: $108)

Bongo by Axxiom
$142 – (Final price: $55)

Pozina Boot by Guess 
$189 – (Final price from Guess: $99)

Easy Pieces

I wore this to work before reading a post from Cupcakes and Cashmere on how Emily was becoming inspired by simple basics and paired down pieces.  There’s something about easy classics like a white top & jeans, or a basic black dress.

I like going back to basics because it’s like beginning with a clean slate to be creative again.  When things are this simple, you notice details like the inverted lapel of this jacket.  It also makes it easy to add great little touches like something sparkly and a pop of color.

Outfit – H&M coat (only $15 at their recent sale!); Old Navy tank top & jeans; Poetic Licence shoes (from Must Have Shoes);Pashmina scarf (a gift from Janice on her NYC trip last year); Wendy Brandes ring; Mini MAC purse ℅ Rebecca Minkoff

Random iPhone Pictures: Most Fashionable

Our company holiday dinner last month was at a place called The La Jolla Strip club, which is a restaurant where you can prepare your own meat of choice.  We had “Supervisor Superlatives” awards as a fun way to recognize each other, because we all know how hard we work.  I was voted “Most Fashionable” by my fellow supervisors!  My lovely co-workers know about my blog, so I highly think that it was coincidence that I was voted as such.  In commemoration, I included in this week’s random iPhone pictures the cute certificate I received, along some of my photos that I posed on Pose and other photos I captured on Instagram.  Hope you had a great New Year’s weekend!

 An aptly named banquet room at the La Jolla Strip Club.

A shot I posted on Pose.  This is the last of the Thanksgiving sale boots (Bongo by Axxiom from Must Have Shoes).

A new fabulous Sally Hansen Salon Effects nail color: Winter Funderland!

Another shot I posted on Pose.  My go to uniform of late:  rock t-shirt (OMD) + preppy cardigan.

H&M & the always dashing Bryan Ferry: A match made in my version of retail heaven!

Clean-Cut for the New Year

You’ll stay in the know with these mags.

Dominic has been really good lately at sitting still and really listening to the stylist when getting his haircut.  I guess part of it is because he can watch is favorite movies, “Cars” or “Cars 2”.  But I think a lot of it was because this time, he got to sit in their new “ride”:  a truck with flames painted on the side.  I love it when my son gets a haircut because he looks so fresh and clean-cut, although he definitely looks older.  My little boy isn’t looking so little anymore!  It’s always nice to ring in the new year with a neat little trim, which is what I think I’ll be doing before heading out for some fun.  Have a safe and happy new year weekend!

Dominic’s outfit:  Old Navy hat; Roots jacket; Disney “Cars 2” t-shirt; H&M striped shirt (layered); Calvin Klein jeans (handed down from cousin Riley); Lighting McQueen shoes; new Finn McMissile car (gift from Mommy!)

FTC Disclosure: Although this is a sponsored post, the opinions, pictures & content of this post are strictly my own.

You’ve Got Your Leather Boots On

In my hunt for what I wanted in a dress boot, I was looking for just a few things:  simple silhouette, leather, slight platform, and a stacked heel.  I got exactly what I was looking for with these awesome leather boots by Vince Camuto called “Laird”.  I first found them for close to the actual price (originally $210).  Out of all the boots I’ve looked at, it was a great price for what I was looking for.  But through some digging and a little patience, I found them for over half off through  They were already at a great discount for the holidays, but because I have a card there and receive lots of their deals through the mail, I was able to get these for a mere $108 (with free shipping).  I absolutely love them!

 Outfit – Kling jacket (ModCloth); Juicy Couture dress ($20 at the outlet!); Bitten t-shirt; Vince Camuto boots; Vintage Fendi purse; Target tights 

(Title of post: lyric from “Something To Do” by Depeche Mode)