Tag Archives: Jessica Simpson shoes

Remix Update: Outfits 17 – 20

I put together pictures of outfits that had the same basic element worn different ways by changing up the accessories and layering pieces. I think this really displays the concept of remixing, since I never put together an index of wardrobe pieces (sorry folks, no time and no Photoshop).

The first pair of pictures are of a dress from Caro London. I bought my first Caro London dress from Plumo.com, then went directly to the official site for this dress. I love this dress because it has a very pretty pattern with lots of girly frills.

Outfit (above): Previously remixed – Steven Madden Luxe boots; Cotton On sweater/Not yet worn – Caro London dress

Outfit (below): Previously remixed – Motivi sweater; Aldo shoes; Caro London dress; Coach sunglasses (both outfits)

The second pair of pictures are of the Kinder Aggugini dress. It’s so easy to wear because the fabric is light and does not wrinkle at all. I wore it last week with a simple cardigan and awesome leather peep-toe shoe boots by MKRT that I bought from DSW right before Lent. I then switched it up a bit this week and added some texture by wearing it with my H&M velvet blazer and suede boots.

Outfit (above): Previously remixed – Kinder Aggugini for Macy’s dress, Target tights, Coach sunglasses (both outfits)/Not worn yet – MKRT shoes

Outfit (below): Previously remixed – H&M blazer; Jessica Simpson boots/Not worn yet – Winged necklace (gift)