Tag Archives: Kendi Everyday

40 For 40: Remixing for Lent


For Lent this year, I thought I would really challenge myself by doing a spin on Kendi Everyday’s “30 for 30” (see her blog here). I will be doing “40 for 40” and remixing 40 pieces of my wardrobe for the 40 days of Lent. As part of this and for my Catholic Lenten service, I will also be giving up shopping for 40 days (yes, my husband is elated). This is why I “binged” last week and made a bunch of online purchases, many of which have been incorporated into this challenge (this includes new distressed leather Lita platforms and Kelley oxfords from Jeffrey Campbell and a new dress from the Kinder Aggugini line at Macy’s). I also realize that this then hinders my ability to make any purchases during the Target retrospective starting this month (see post here). But due to the growing state of my wardrobe, this remix is necessary, even if it means sacrificing a new dress or two. *sigh*

Since Ash Wednesday was yesterday, today was the first day of the challenge. I have included a picture of my first outfit and will include a picture of all of the 40 pieces included in the challenge after this weekend (some online purchases have not arrived yet, but have been counted in the 40 pieces). Due to time constraints, I didn’t have time to do a true pictorial, so I just laid out my outfit quickly and snapped a picture. Thanks for the inspiration Kendi, and I hope I can rise up to the challenge!

Outfit: By Corpus sequin striped shirt (posted about here); H&M ankle length trousers; American Apparel leather pouch in camel; Matiko shoes