Last Friday, I was invited to attend a wonderful little blogger soiree at The Beat Clothing in Carlsbad. I saw the store when I attended the Carlsbad Village Faire back in May (original post here), but we didn’t get to venture inside. I remember telling my husband that we should go back up to Carlsbad to go shopping and dine, so I was very excited to receive the invite. Since I was coming from work, I was the first one to arrive, which gave me the chance to snap a few pictures around the store and to get the know Diana, the owner, and a couple of the staff who stayed through the party, Kelly and Ali. Blues & Shoes, Ragz Dressware and The Beat Clothing are all sister stores, and all located in Carlsbad.

If there could be a store that would define who I was, it would be The Beat Clothing. The store is infused with rocker chic, along with all things musical. Diana’s husband was in the music industry, and really had a hand in the design of this store. Everywhere you look, there is some kind of musical instrument embedded among the cool, stylish, and trendy clothing. From the rock t-shirts on the walls to the album covers in the dressing rooms, everything just calls to me. I would wear everything in this store to the office, to the mall and definitely to a concert.

These album covers adorned the dressing rooms. I actually own a few of those!

Photo 1: Ali showing us how to wear leg jewelry. She looks fantastic! Photo 2: Love how each table has some kind of musical instrument.

Too many cool things to choose from. Check out that Union Jack leather cuff…want!

Kelly, who set up the blogger party, painted the Rolling Stones picture on the left and the microphone on the right. They look even more amazing in person!
Once I finished marveling at everything, my fellow bloggers started to trickle in. First to arrive was the gorgeous Pat of PATFLOR, followed by lovely Laura of Laura Neuzeth. Then the beautiful Alessandra of Alessandra Gonzalez arrived with her friend Melody, and a new blogger friend, Amber of Face It Catalog was the last to arrive (Bianca of The In-Between Girls couldn’t make it). As bloggers, you know we love to take pictures, and not only did we take pictures of the store and The Beat girls, but of each other doing our blogger things. Silliness ensued, which was expected when you get a fun bunch of gals together! I want to thank The Beat Clothing for inviting me to such an awesome event. Rest assured that I will be back to do some shopping!

Pat, working her blogger magic with Laura.
Photo 1: Pink champagne is always welcome! Photo 2: Bloggers in the round.

Photo 1: Melody, Alessandra and Laura checking out the cute shoes. Photo 2: Kelly, Diana and Ali from The Beat Clothing. So stylish!

The Rolling Stones or mustaches. Which would you choose?

Photo 1: My addition to the wall. Photo 2: Laura getting her tag in!

Michael Antonio has such awesome shoes. I bought the Adan wedges in grey on the very right. Outfit post to come!

SD Style Bloggers at The Beat Clothing. I’m wearing one of my favorite t-shirts: my Punk Masters John Taylor “Digital Truth” shirt. BTW: The mural behind us surrounding the door was also painted by Kelly. She’s just so talented!