Making a Clutch Purse: Putting it Together…Maybe

I know I haven’t posted about my progress with my project on making a clutch purse (see the beginnings here).  I clearly meant to start it while my boys were in Las Vegas just before Thanksgiving, but I ended up doing a lot of cleaning rather than working on the purse.  It’s always easier to really dig into a deep house cleaning when your toddler isn’t around to get into all of the cleaning products and tools.

The update of where I am with the project is that all the fabric is cut and just waiting to be put together.  I fully intend to continue the project within the next week or so.  I have some found time coming up so I will use that time to take out my semi-new sewing machine (used only a few times) and finish up this project before the end of the year.  I want to ring in the new year with my new little clutch purse.


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