Author Archives: Cyrillynn

Golf Widow

My husband (swinging) at Mountain Falls Golf Course in Pahrump, Nevada

I know when my husband married me, he felt that he got the best of both worlds:  A woman that he loves, that also loves sports. 

I love football.  I have mentioned it in a post in my old blog that my father was the one who turned me onto American football.  I have grown up with football on Sundays and Mondays, and we just had to accept it.  For many women, I imagine that would just cause one to despise the game even more.  For me, I fell deeply in love with the game.  After my dad took us to our first San Diego Chargers game (my favorite team), I knew I became a fan for life. 

Another great thing my dad did was expose us to many sports, not just football.  My sister actually liked to participate in sports when she was younger, so my dad had the son he never had in the both of us, in different ways.  We have been to basketball games (remember when the Clippers were a San Diego team?), wrestling, roller derby, baseball…you name it, my dad wanted to take us to it.  He also watched everything and anything sports related on TV.  There was never a sport that I couldn’t sit through at least for a little bit. 

So never in my wildest imaginings did I think that I would ever be a sports widow, but I am. 

Golf is my husband’s mistress.  I have gone to watch him play, but I can only survive the front 9 holes before driving that cart drives me crazy and I need to go shopping or something.  He goes to the driving range on some days after work and plays on the weekend, but I also made him promise that golf should not interfere with our family time.  He has made good on that promise, selecting an early morning tee time so that he is home by 11am to spend time with me and Dominic, which frees up my mom to do what she wants to on the weekend (she watches our son while we’re at work during the week). 

My husband plays in his first tournament this weekend.  I’m going to watch the first few holes, but since I can’t take our son, I have to make sure I get home so that my mom can go run errands before the weekend is over.  I’m excited for him because he has really improved for only playing for the better part of a year.  

We all have our vices.  His is golf and that’s how it’s gotta be.  Now when is that sale at Coach again?

Poetic Licence

Good Vibrations - Poetic Licence

Aren’t these shoes adorable?  I bought them during the “Sex and the City 2” spa day (see the Girlie Stuff entry).  After my spa treatment and while the other gals were getting their treatments, I went shopping.  I initially saw the shoes at Nordstrom, where they were originally $98, but on sale for about $69.  Since we were getting ready to head to lunch, I said that I would come back for them at some point during the day.  

We then went to the movie theater, and in that same strip mall was a Marshalls.  I found the same exact shoes on sale for $29.  I snapped them up in a jiffy!  

The shoes are called “Good Vibrations” from Poetic Licence London.  They are ultra feminine plaid peep-toe pumps with cute floral details.  Leave it to me to find a UK brand without even trying!  The company launched in 2005 and can be found in stores everywhere.  They run about a half size larger than you’re used to.  I’m normally an 8.5 in heels, and I had to get an 8 in these.  

They look great on, and even their regular prices are still hard to beat for these fun shoes.  Try a pair on and I’m sure you’ll fall in love like I did.

Upside Down is So Right Up

Dominic is mesmerized right now.  Puppet.  Shmuzzies.  Fido.  Action Fingers.  Shane.  David.  I don’t know what magic they hold, but they’ve got a hold of my son. 

The Upside Down Show - Nick Jr

Have you seen “The Upside Down Show” on Nick Jr?  It’s a live action show featuring Shane Dundas and David Collins as brothers who live in a house with crazy rooms and lively characters.  They perform a lot of physical comedy involving a “remote that does heaps of cool things.”  This imaginary remote allows the viewers to take control of the brother’s actions, including pause, fast forward, slow motion, instant replay (my favorite) and rewind. 

If you ask Dominic to show you “Action Fingers”, he will imitate the little digital heroes Knuckles and Pointy.  Basically, it’s the fingers of Shane and David as super heroes that they call upon to assist them throughout the show (imagine the Yellow Pages fingers running around the show performing heroic stunts). 

I looked Shane and David up, and they are physical comedians  from Australia called The Umbilical Brothers.  They created 13 episodes of “The Upside Down Show” back in 2006 for Nick Jr.  From what I’ve read, the reviews were not great so they were not renewed for the next season.  

I think Dominic would beg to differ because he loves this show (he just laughed out loud at the Shmuzzies, little fuzzy creatures that thrive on rhyming).  I will be buying the DVD’s of their only season because it will come in handy for when we take that long drive to Las Vegas.  We already have 3 DVD’s of “Wow Wow Wubbzy!” and “The Upside Down Show” will be the next set to add to Dominic’s growing library.  Again, I don’t know what his fascination is with this show.  But if it will hold his attention enough for me to write this blog entry, then they’ve got my vote for best show on Nick Jr.

A Few Of My Favorite Things

I’m always checking out fashion websites for things that are a little quirky, yet ultra cool.  Here are a few of sites that I visit often:   

Studded Ballet Slippers – Bona Drag

Bona Drag – I found this site through Lucky Magazine.  My favorite items from this site are the studded ballet slippers and the $95 leather motorcycle jacket (YES, that is the price).  Who cares if it’s “cheap leather” as in the description, it’s still leather, right?  

Plumo – Again, the wanna be Brit in me is always drawn to the UK sites.  I purchased a very cute dress on sale from this site, so you should definitely check out their most current clearance sale.  Keep in mind that sizes may be in UK measurements, so use the newly added link above to check the most appropriate size for you.  

Caro London – Another UK site.  But the reason I went to this site is because the dress I bought from came from Caro London.  I ended up finding another color and print in the dress I originally bought and found other beautiful items that I liked as well, like nightwear, robes, accessories, decorations and children’s clothing.  They even have cotton or waterproof printed shower caps.  Their sale section is also good, and their prices drop significantly.  

Blue Vintage Dot & Floral Bib Dress - Caro London

ASOS – I’m a very big fan of Topshop.  At the launch of their US store in NYC, they also updated their prices to include US dollars.  This meant that the prices were no longer subject to exchange rates!  If you pay attention to the fluctuating rate of currency, sometimes the British Pound is up, and sometimes it’s down a little.  ASOS is a great site with tons of current fashion (they have sales often), but their prices convert to US dollars, meaning that they don’t have separate prices for us Yanks.   Plus, their shipping has changed to a flat rate of $6 (before, it depended on international postal rates).  Parents: they have a great children’s clothing section.   

Topshop – I mentioned how much I love this store and I still do, even if their online shop updated their site to include US prices.  Nevertheless, I can’t resist their true British style and fantastic shoes.  Although I’ve been to the SoHo location in NYC, I much prefer their Oxford Circus location in London.  Granted, the last time I was in London, I was 5 months pregnant.  Did that stop me?  Not when they have a maternity section!  That maternity dress I bought is so stylish that I can still wear it today by cinching the ties a little tighter in the back.  

Just a few sites to check out when you have time.  I guess when it comes to shopping, doesn’t everyone?

The Con

Comic-Con International

 It happens every year at this time.  Thousands of people flock to San Diego for the pop-culture event of the year.  I’ve gone a few times a few years ago, but now you have know someone to even get a stab at pre-sale tickets.  

I’m talking about the San Diego Comic-Con International (affectionately called “The Con” by regulars).  This is the premier event during the 3rd week of July where movie buffs, geeks, video game enthusiasts and comic book readers gather to take a peak at the latest and greatest.  During this time, it is not unusual to see people in full costume regalia.  The characters you see on the streets of Downtown San Diego will depend on what the hit movie or trend is out that year.  But I can guarantee that there is not a shortage of your Star Trek characters, especially the Klingon.  Did you know they have their own complete language?  It’s true, I think my sister even has the book. 

Mei-Lin in wings from Comic-Con 2008

My sister, brother in law and now their daughter go every year.   When I went with them, I got to meet Kevin Smith (“Clerks” and “Mallrats”), Wil Wheaton (“Stand By Me” and “Star Trek: The Next Generation”), and I received an illustration from William Tucci (“Shi”).  I was also into Cyberforce because they have a character named Cyblade (they called her “Cy”), so I have a few Top Cow Productions comics.  I even have the sealed issue of “The Death of Superman” that I purchased at The Con.  What I’ve missed in these last 2 years is the “True Blood” panel.  My sister will be checking that out for me tomorrow. 

I hear through the grapevine that The Con may be relocated.  I hope not!  This event is such a boost to the economy, and it’s nice to know that we have an event synonymous with San Diego.  I want to buy tickets for next year to take my husband and son.  

I’ve included a picture of my niece from a year where she went in her fairy best, complete with wings, Comic-Con pass and Spider Man flip flops.   As Olivia (“Nick Jr”) says, “Whatever the question, costumes are always a good answer!”  I’m sure my niece and many Con goers would agree, whether or not they realize they’re agreeing with a cartoon pig.

$5 Sale from Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters $5 Sale, until supplies last

I get sale notifications by text message (as if email wasn’t enough).  Is that wrong?  Well, right or wrong, it means we all get to take advantage of a great sale.

Urban Outfitters is having an online “Last Chance” sale.  You really can’t beat $5.  Unless it’s a $4 sale, which this is not.  Wait, it’s $5 and under, so I guess I was wrong.

Oh, just go to the sale.  Thanks.

Razzle Zazzle

Mei-Lin and her mama

I’m definitely one for making gifts rather than buying them, but sometimes the time and energy is just a bit much.  Still, I enjoy the satisfaction of giving something of my own design and creativity.

For Mother’s day this year, I designed a t-shirt for my sister on  I didn’t want to make the typical picture on a shirt design, so I “rocked” it up a bit by choosing a baseball style shirt, used a black & white version of a picture I took of my niece and added “Mum says I ROCK!” for more of that Brit flair.

I was very happy with the result!  I have one that I made of my son as well (I’ll post it later).  I took a picture and submitted it to Zazzle’s blog to get a coupon on my next purchase (my mom wants one, too), and I received an email that they would post it to their site at some point.  Click on the picture on the left to be taken to their blog and you’ll see my sister and her daughter on Zazzle’s website (you have to scroll down a bit to the July 2 entry, under “Foto Friday”).

(Isn’t my niece cute?  She definitely knows how to pose for the camera.  Believe it or not, I didn’t teach her that.)

Photo by Cyrillynn Chen

Put me in, Coach!

Coach Factory Outlet - Good through 7/25/10

 Here’s another great deal (my inbox is full of them!):  Coach Factory Outlet already has great prices, but you can enjoy an additional 20% off by printing the coupon in the picture on the right.  

It’s good through July 25 and you can click here for locations near you!

Last Call Does it Again

50% off all color stamped clearance


Neiman Marcus’ Last Call has yet another sale!  Check the flier for more details.

I’m hoping that this means it’s an additional 50% off after the color stamped percentage off.

I guess I’ll just have to go to the sale to find out…


Channeling Angus Young

H&M shirt with tie, Circo shorts (Target), Baby Gap hat, Converse sneakers

While we were in Las Vegas (where my husband grew up), grandma got Dominic a little shirt with a tie from H&M, so I took it a step further.  He was going to audition for AC/DC, but decided to have a snack first.  Priorities, man.

If you haven’t visited H&M’s kids section, you should.  For the price, you can get your kid miles of style.