Author Archives: Cyrillynn

Red Zone

As I type this post, owners and players of the National Football League have decided to have a season after all!  In honor of the fun and folly of American football, I am wearing red.  For those who are not familiar with the game, the “Red Zone” is the area close to the end zone where a score can be made within 20 yards.  The score can be either by touchdown (6 points) with a “PAT” (1 point after touchdown), or it can be a field goal (3 points).

Here’s to hoping my San Diego Chargers will make it into the Red Zone as often as possible.  Their first pre-season game is against the Seattle Seahawks on August 11.  Cheers to the upcoming 2011 NFL season!

Outfit – Cotton On sweater; Old Navy jeans & shirt; MKRT shoes; Forever 21 purse; Michael Kors watch; Coach sunglasses; Wendy Brandes ring

Cool Cuff: Thank You Mimi Boutique!

As you know, I just began using Twitter in May of this year.  By using Twitter on a regular basis, I have been able to connect to my blogging buddies, I can get news quicker than any website, and take part in cool projects and contests.  I recently posted about my awesome consolation prize after entering a Twitter contest for @illyissmo (seen here).  Now I’m posting about another cool contest that I entered and won through Mimi Boutique (@mimiboutique).

I won a $25 gift certificate towards any purchase by responding to a request to Tweet a favorite piece of jewelry from Mimi Boutique’s jewelry section.  After I made my choice of the Koi Fish Tattoo Leather Cuff (which can be purchased here), I placed my order and it came pretty quickly.  It also arrived with a lovely note.  I love it and have worn it everyday since I received it.  Thank you Mimi Boutique!

So if you aren’t on Twitter, get on it soon and join in the conversations.  You never know what cool thing can happen next!

A Week in iPhone Pictures

I thought I’d start off the week with some random shots I took with my new iPhone! Yes, I have finally joined the ranks of the smartphone population. I only have a 3GS right now, which has no effect on a novice such as myself (silly me used my previous cell as merely a phone). Among the few apps I have, the WordPress one is probably my favorite, allowing me to create this post. Hope you had a great weekend!

From my own Comic Con adventure back in 1996 (@ThatKevinSmith).

A gift from my sister from this year’s Comic Con (@TrueBloodHBO).

After watching “Cars” over 50 times on DVD, we finally took Dominic to see “Cars 2” last week. The obsession only grows…

Happy birthday Lita! 1-year-old as of July 26 2011 (@JCShoes).

My new specs. LOVE THEM.

A Mrs. Bossa via Twitter influenced purchase from @OfficeShoes. With a name like “Mothers Ruin”, how could I pass them up? *rawr*

Who knew my all time favorite dessert had its own day? National Cheesecake Day July 30 2011.

In honor of Shark Week, which began last night! (Taken at Joe’s Crab Shack)



City Boho

I think this is as Bohemian as I get.  I bought this dress in the early stages of my pregnancy nearly three years ago.  I liked that it has an empire waist that has a bit of give.  When I was pregnant, I tried as much as possible to buy things that were not maternity clothes, so that I could wear them again.  The satchel purse and hat make me feel like I’m traveling somewhere.  But the shoes, I think they speak for themselves.

Outfit – Cute Options dress; Old Navy cardigan; Vintage brooch/pendant; Unknown brand hat; Michael Kors purse & watch; Juicy Couture ring & sunnies; Rocket Dog shoes (“Dappled in Glam” from ModCloth)

(With all that has happened in the world, I decided to take it easy with posts this week.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all who have lost.  Remember, no loss is any greater or less important than another.)

Comic Genius: The San Diego Comic-Con International 2011

I posted about The Comic-Con International last year here.  Please click both of the links to get to know the annual tradition (which we hope will continue to stay in San Diego).  In the meantime, enjoy some images taken by my sister from this year’s Con.  Doesn’t my niece make a great Wonder Woman?

(My niece and brother-in-law were caught on camera by DC Comics!  Check out picture 55 of 57 here!)

At the Trolley Stop during Preview Night

A gift for my sister from her hubby from Preview Night

Inside the San Diego Convention Center

View from above the convention floor

My sister took that picture just for me!

GO GO Power Rangers!

Boy Wonders with Wonder Mei

The Wonder Triplets (with some goofy guy in plaid)

Ironman, Captain America, and Wonder Mei

Wonder Mei and a Wookie

Enterprise NCC-1701

Amazing illustrated Passat by famed comic artist Ken Lashley

Paint your Wagen 

The art of South Park

(All images by Rholnna Jiao)

Weekend in Pictures: PLAY BALL!

Last weekend, we took Dominic, along with my mom, to his second ever Padres baseball game.  The first baseball game we took him to, he was just the tender age of barely one.  It was a company function, and he basically just sat on everyone’s laps and then took a nap.  Now that he’s a little over 2-years-old, it’s fun because he is able to recognize that he’s at a game and can ask questions.

The San Diego Padres play at Petco Park in Downtown.  It is a beautiful ball park with great views of the city all around it.  Here, my family is looking across the street at The San Diego Convention Center.

Inside, you can see that it’s specifically made just for baseball.   One of the most interesting parts of the interior is the use of the old Western Metal Supply Co. building.  I remember seeing that building all through my youth, whenever we would pass through Downtown San Diego.  I was so happy to know that they incorporated the building into the interior of the ball park because to me, it was such an iconic structure.

My other favorite parts of the park are the kid friendly bleacher seats with the sandbox, and the “Park in the Park”.  Whoever thought about the design of this park really took into consideration the family unit, which includes a family pet. 

The “Park in the Park” has a large park area where families can bring blankets and folding chairs while watching the game picnic style.  There is a large video screen facing the park area, so that you can catch all of the action from the park if you don’t feel like venturing into the actual interior of the ballpark.  There is also a great mini-diamond where kids can practice hitting and running with a ballpark employee.

It was a nice late afternoon game that went into the early evening, so we got to experience the beautiful San Diego sun before it settled into the brisk cool evening.  The Padres beat the visiting San Francisco Giants that day, 11-3.  Dominic was able to witness two home runs by the home team.  It made for a great way to spend a Saturday.  Next time, we’re going to bring my sister’s family and have a picnic at the park.  Hope you all had a great weekend!

All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records

Last week, I became a backer for a documentary project by actor Colin Hanks.  It’s called “All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records“.  I first heard about it through a Tweet by Bella Q of The Citizen Rosebud, and immediately became interested.  I recently wrote about my love for the independent record store here, and I mentioned that one of my favorites was Tower Records.  The one I frequented was right next to what was then called The San Diego Sports Arena, which is pictured below (it is currently called the Valley View Casino Center).  Whenever I would go to a concert at the Sports Arena, I would make sure to stop in at Tower.  I’ve even attended a couple of signings at Tower Records: Robin Hitchcock and Maroon 5.  My sister met Brian Setzer and Hot Rod Lincoln at Tower as well.

We went with my niece when she was merely a year old to shop one last time at Tower Records back in 2006.  Even then we knew the impact of the store closing and made it an event simply because of our history with the store.  

Funding for the project closed on July 15, 2011.  The pledge I chose was the “VIP Package”:

PACKAGE INCENTIVE VIP Package: The Full Monty…sticker, poster, T-Shirt, DVD and vinyl record. Both DVD and record signed by Tower Records founder Russ Solomon and Director Colin Hanks and a special “Thank You” in the film credits. DVD and record shipping date TBD after film release.

I am unsure of the timeline of the project, but I will be sure to post updates as I receive them.  You can follow the project through the link I provided above, or on the following links for Facebook and Twitter.!/TowerRecordsDoc

My eyes are closed! I guess I just couldn’t bear to look at Tower Records before departing its premises…


(Top photo, courtesy of

Fabulous Feature: Le Suivre Vendredi

It’s been a wonderful few weeks of features, and I’m proud to be featured by a new favorite blogger that I just added to my “Daily Reads Too” section.  The blog is called 33 Avenue Miquelon, written by the incredibly witty Cameron Miquelon, a talented writer and Francophile out of Louisville, Kentucky.  She has featured many of my favorite bloggers, so I’m honored that she has added my blog to her esteemed list.  Check out the feature by clicking on the picture, and then take a look around.  I’m sure you’ll understand why I’ve added her to my favorite blogs to read everyday.  Merci!

(FYI:  Le Suivre Vendredi loosely translates as “To follow Friday”)

Off-White Wedding Wear

I posted yesterday about the wedding we attended last week and how much I loved the vintage/retro feel of it all (see the post here).  I instinctively knew that I needed to also dress the part myself, and found this beautiful floral dress in vibrant colors.  I have three vintage Judith Leiber purses, but this one is my favorite.  I thought I’d also do up my son in a cute little get-up, since he’s always sneaking into my outfit pictures!

 Outfit – London Times dress; O.M.G. Collection cardigan; Steve Madden shoes; Judith Leiber vintage purse

Weekend in Pictures: Something Old, Something New

Last weekend, my family went to one of the more snazzier weddings I have been to in a long while.  Our friends Erika and Scott got married at the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) in Balboa Park.  Balboa Park is one of the most picturesque landmarks in San Diego.  My mom and dad used to take me and my sister there nearly every weekend because we loved walking around “El Prado”.  Our favorite museum was The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center because of all the interactive displays.

The MOPA is a very modern and sleek space, but the wedding party and all of the decor and settings were very retro.  Every picture that Erika was in was like an ad straight out of the 1940’s.  One of our friends who was in the wedding party said that when they were walking around earlier with the photographers that people thought they were models for a photo shoot of some sort.  Everyone certainly looked fantastic, but what I loved the most about the wedding was that they included Scott’s son Kai in the ceremony.

I always forget how beautiful Balboa Park is until I go back.  It was nice that the cocktail hour was outside the Botanical Gardens.  It allowed Dominic to run around a bit.  I loved that they picked such a picturesque location because Erika is so beautiful and her and Scott make an amazing couple.  Congratulations again and here’s to many years of wedded bliss to come!