Author Archives: Cyrillynn

Weekend in Pictures: Our Weekend Started on Thursday!

Last Thursday, my husband was in an amateur golf tournament at Brookside Golf Course in Pasadena, next door to the Rose Bowl. Even though Dominic and I couldn’t attend the actual tournament (he’s just way too young) we made a day of it and ran around having fun until Deon finished.

After stopping by a mall, we went to a nearby park called Glenoaks Park. I would never have known that it existed except that I typed into the GPS that I wanted the nearest park. What a very pleasant surprise! It’s nestled in the middle of a beautiful neighborhood and was the exactly what I was looking for: quiet, spacious, and not crowded. We stayed there for a couple of hours and then met up with one of my good friends, Sara at a beautiful new mall called The Americana at Brand (new to me at least!), which was next door to the Glendale Galleria. I love this new concept of the mall where you can live and play. There are apartments and condos available, and the mall layout makes you feel like you are in another town within a city.

We ate lunch at a fantastic restaurant called the Granville Cafe, which features fresh and organic gourmet meals at a great price. It was great to see her, and she actually shared with me a great new project that I’m going to feature in an upcoming post!

On Friday, Deon and I had the day off to recover from our all day trip to Pasadena. While my mom went shopping, Deon played golf and Dominic slept, Mei-Lin and I finally “baked” cookies! She brought over her little Mrs. Fields cooking set and we made two little batches together. The rest of the weekend was spent trying to recover from a cold.

I’m also happy to say that my all time favorite actor, Colin Firth (see my post about him here), won a Golden Globe for his role in “The King’s Speech”.  Congratulations Colin!  Hope you all had a great weekend!

My Favorite Mode: Rarities

I had to think long and hard about what Depeche Mode rarities are my favorites, which is why it took awhile to do another installment of “My Favorite Mode”. Keep in mind that these are the rare items from my very own collection (please refer to for a more exhaustive list). These are cool little gems that I’ve collected over the years, and three just got a little more worthy because Alan Wilder signed them (the “Love In Itself” numbered 12 inch single, the “Some Great Reward” grey vinyl, and the “Everything Counts” 10 inch single). I was too afraid to bring the “Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth” flexidisc to the signing because it’s so thin and incredibly rare.

(Descriptions are in order from top to bottom, then left to right)

My Favorite Mode: Rarities
My Favorite Mode: Rarities by sighgee on

Love In Itself · 2 And Live TracksLove In Itself 12″ with 4 live tracks – Numbered limited edition with texture and goldfoiled sleeve.

Some Great Reward – Grey Vinyl Germany 12″ RECORDSome Great Reward LP in Grey Vinyl, German import – “If You Want To” on back sleeve instead of “If You Want”.

Never Turn Your Back On Mother EarthNever Turn Your Back on Mother Earth, Flexidisc – “Happy Christmas 87 From Depeche Mode”, sent to members of the official fan club during Christmas 1987.

A Question of LustA Question of Lust cassette – Package includes cassette, booklet & badge.

Everything Counts 10″Everything Counts 10″ – Strictly limited numbered envelope sleeve. Deluxe black die cut inner sleeve includes 2 postcards and window sticker.

Death’s DoorDeath’s Door (Jazz Mix), Flexidisc – Sent to members of the official fan club in 1991, it was included with Bong 16, the Depeche Mode official fan magazine.

I Want You Now / Behind the Wheel (Remix)I Want You Now 3″ CD, Japanese import – A special 3″ Edit of “I Want You Now” exclusive to this release.

Kristy IS Full Time FABULOUS!

If you have been following along since the beginning of last month, I first posted that Kristy of Vogue Gone Rogue was selected as a finalist for Sunglass Hut’s “Full Time Fabulous” contest for their next fashion blogger (seen here). I have faithfully supported her throughout this incredible process, and she has so graciously also mentioned me in one of her posts (see my entry about it here). She is always kind to comment back, not only on her own blog, but right here on “Any Second Now”. In addition to being gorgeous and stylish, she is a fantastic writer.

I’m proud to report that Kristy won! Kristy, I knew you were meant to do this job, and I know you’ll do it fabulously! Congratulations and we look forward to everything you will do for the Sunglass Hut “Full Time Fabulous” blog!

Sunglass Hut Selects New Yorker as “Full Time Fabulous” Blogger

Kristy Secures Ultimate Dream Job in Nationwide Search

[New York, NY] January 10, 2011 – Today, Sunglass Hut named Kristy the winner of the “Full Time Fabulous” blogger search – a nationwide contest that offered an opportunity to win the ultimate dream job as a jet-setting style blogger for

“We could not be more thrilled to welcome Kristy to the Sunglass Hut team,” noted Marcello Favagrossa, VP of Marketing, Merchandising and Brand Strategy, Sunglass Hut North America. “Her blogging skills, exceptional design aesthetic, love of culture and passion for fashion make her the perfect “Full Time Fabulous” blogger. We are excited for her to help bring our brand DNA to life online.”

As the blogger for Sunglass Hut, Kristy will gain unrivaled access to the heart of style and fashion. For one year she will live in a chic, fully-furnished apartment in New York, attend high profile fashion week events, receive a generous clothing allowance, and socialize with designers, models and celebrities. Additionally, Kristy will receive $100,000 in compensation for her stellar blogging skills.

Born in New York City, Kristy has expressed a deep love of art, music, fashion and culture since the age of 7 (at age 8 she had her very first photography exhibit). Over the years, Kristy explored and developed her passion for the arts, and graduated from college with a BFA in multimedia communications. Kristy continued her cultural education through postgraduate coursework in film and fashion as well as working as a stylist, creative director and editor for photo shoots in Manhattan.

Kristy’s background in the arts, wide range of multimedia skills combined with her attention to detail and strong sense of personal style made fashion blogging a natural step for her. Her expertise can be seen in her personal blog, Vogue Gone Rogue, which communicates a direct reflection of her style aesthetic and love of fashion, photography, video and travel.

Kristy will assume her position as Sunglass Hut’s Full Time Fabulous Blogger in February 2011. The first “Full Time Fabulous” assignment will begin with coverage of Fall 2011 runway shows during New York Fashion Week.

Sunglass Hut’s “Full Time Fabulous” program was announced by actress Rachel Bilson at New York Fashion Week in September. On October 1, 2010, fashion-lovers from around the country were invited to apply for the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. Chosen as a finalist in early December, Kristy joined nine finalists in New York City for interviews with a select panel of judges comprised of fashion heavyweights, including internationally recognized fashion bloggers BryanBoy of and Wendy Lam of The finalists were tasked to demonstrate their blogging skills over a four week period – December 1st through December 31st – during which the panel of judges found Kristy to be the perfect individual for the job.

To learn more about Kristy visit


Here are the links to the blogs of the other members of #teamkristy who shared in the happiness of Kristy’s win!

The Citizen Rosebud
Grit and Glamour
Beautifully Invisible
Cherry Monster Fashion
Midnight in a Perfect World
For Those About to Shop
Burn the Blonde

Blue Velvet

My recent color obsession is navy blue. Since I bought that navy blue pea coat from Old Navy (seen here), I have been looking at everything ink and indigo. I can’t get enough of the almost-but-not-quite-black depth of the blue, which makes for such an incredibly subtle contrast when worn with black. I ventured so far as to buy blue boots (seen here).

My recent fabric obsessions are velvet and velour. I didn’t even realize it, but I bought four velvet or velour dresses. Velvet and velour can look incredibly cheap when done wrong. But when done right, there is a richness that can be brought out of any color, especially in jewel tones.

I went to Polyvore and made this little set, combining my current obsessions (including Polyvore itself). I own only the Juicy Couture and Mod Cloth dresses, everything else was used to create the set. Although, after seeing some of these other pieces that I picked to make this set, that may change!

Blue Velvet

Blue Velvet by sighgee featuring tuxedo jackets

Something To Do

I’ve been doing quite a bit of shopping lately, both online and at the malls. I just got this tweed moto jacket by I ‘Heart’ Ronson, British designer Charlotte Ronson’s line at JC Penney. I love it because the tweed material has a bit of sparkle to it, which can easily take it from day to night. Also, it’s a bit edgy because it’s cut like a motorcycle jacket rather than a classic cut mainly associated with a tweed fabric. I wore it with my favorite Depeche Mode t-shirt from the 1985 Some Great Tour concert. The title of this post is a song off of the album they were supporting at the time called “Some Great Reward”.

I was lucky to get these pictures in when I did. I went to the nearby Plaza Bonita mall right after I took these pictures to do a little more shopping and pick up some household things. When I was in Target, the rain started to pour. Unfortunately, I had nothing but this jacket to protect me because I forgot my umbrella. Luckily, the rain died down a bit so I managed to get to my car without getting too wet. What a way to christen my brand new jacket!

Outfit: I ‘Heart’ Ronson tweed moto jacket; Vintage Depeche Mode concert shirt; Hot Topic studded belt with gifted Union Jack belt buckle; “Walk the Walk” boots (seen here and here); Tiffany & Co necklace; Juicy Couture jeans and ring; Burberry sunglasses; Charm bracelet from my niece

Weekend in Pictures: Janurary 8 & 9

This was another semi-lazy weekend. On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister and our kids while my husband went to Pasadena to try out a new golf course and my mom went to the local casino (there are many here in San Diego). The kids had fun running around Old Navy and I bought them each a ball. Dominic was having too much fun to pose for any pictures, so my sister just got a photo of Mei-Lin with her ball and the little Old Navy dog.  I know she was happier than she looks in the picture.  Both the kids were so tired by the end of the day and immediately fell asleep about an hour later on the way home from a full day of shopping.

On Sunday, my mom bought my son an indoor tent to play around in. My son is having a great time going in and out of the little openings, and I’m excited to see how they will play together when my niece stops by this week. How was your weekend?

Photo 1 by Rholnna Jiao

Shoe Dazed

I’m sure it’s been apparent that I’ve been doing quite a bit of shopping lately. I also recently joined Polyvore, so I created a set of some of the things that I’ve purchased (aside from the previously mentioned Juicy Couture venture). I seem to have amassed several pairs of shoes, including two pairs from Jeffrey Campbell.

If you are not familiar with Polyvore, it’s a site where the user can create “sets” and “collections” that can be shared with other Polyvore users, through social media places like Facebook, or they can be embedded in a blog, like I did here. I’m nowhere near being website savvy, so it took me a little while to figure out how to embed the image here, but I finally did. I hope you enjoy my first venture on Polyvore!

(Please note that I actually purchased the Naughty Monkey boots on

Shoe Dazed by sighgee featuring naughty monkey shoes

The Little Baker That Could

For Christmas, I bought my niece, Mei-Lin, a Mrs. Fields Cookie Maker Play Set. She wanted to help me the first time I made the Eggnog Cookies this past November but never got the chance, so I thought she could make her own batch with her own bake set. My sister sent me these great pictures of my little sous chef de cuisine hard at work mixing and icing her cookies.

This toy is not like an “Easy Bake Oven”. The little “oven” is actually storage unit for all the cute little utensils. The utensils are used to mix the two batches of cookies included in the box that can be “baked” in the microwave. Once finished, it also includes icing as the pièce de résistance.

My sister said that Mei-Lin had a great time making her first batch of cookies. Next time, I want to be there! The best part of the pictures is the pose with the finished product. Who knew baking chocolate chip cookies would be so fancy?

Photos by Rholnna Jiao

Rock The Discount: 10% off at Fashion Rocks!

It’s always nice to start of the year with a discount! If you’ve checked through my posts, I have two of them mentioning a talented Swiss designer named Idil Vice (see posts here and here). She is one of my favorite designers because she takes the rock t-shirt to the next level by putting those kind of iconic images on not just shirts, but on dresses, skirts, pants, jackets and sweaters. Her designs have been seen on celebs such as Gwen Stefani and Kelly Osbourne.

I’m so excited because I have some of my own items from Idil coming soon, which I will be featuring in a future pictorial. In the meantime, she has graciously given my readers a 10% storewide discount at her online store, Fashion Rocks (

Just use the code nowrocks2 when it asks for any coupons or codes to receive your discount, which will be good until February 14, 2011. There are so many awesome artists featured, including a few of my favorites like Depeche Mode, Joy Division and The English Beat (pictured above). If you don’t happen to see your favorite idol on Fashion Rocks, you can also request it!

Rock in the new year with some fantastic, one-of-a-kind fashion!

Twilight Sprinkles

Having a tripod just gives me such freedom, not only for myself but for my husband. He has been so patient with me and all the pictures I want to take. I would still love to have him help me with location shots, but for these outfits that I wear on a daily basis, I’ll just turn to my tripod. I’m still working out camera positioning and poses, so bear with me as I get the hang of it.

I took these pictures just as it started to sprinkle. I wasn’t going to use my umbrella, but I almost had no choice with the wet weather we’ve been having lately. I am wearing my “Walk the Walk” boots again. I’m having so much fun wearing them and wanted to show how versatile they are. They really do work with any outfit, and any kind of weather.

Outfit: Cotton On dress; H&M velvet jacket (seen here); Target tights; “Walk the Walk” Boots (seen here); Old Navy scarf; Coach umbrella; Juicy Couture ring; Vintage cameo pin