I wasn’t sure what I was looking for in what I feel is my most important fall piece: the camel coat. I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to be fitted, pea coat, trench or boyfriend style. I didn’t want it to be patterned because I already have a leopard print coat, and because I wanted to be able to wear printed scarves with it as needed. I did feel like I wanted a little swing to it and I didn’t want the fuss of a belt.
I began my search on beso.com. I just typed in “camel coat” an it brought back loads of choices. Here are 3 of my “lust” favorites (the Diane von Furstenberg Lady coat is fantastic!):
{Click on each picture for a direct link to each coat}

As a working mommy, my lust items are just a little bit out of reach (just a little!). So I used my shopaholic skills to carry on the search, which brought me back to one of my favorite sites. ASOS has come through for me again. Pictured below is the camel coat that I will be buying. At only $118, my husband will be glad to know that it won’t break the bank (he was looking quite worried over my shoulder at the previous links). I like the fold-over collar and the pleats give it the swing I wanted.
Isn’t it a great feeling when you finally have found what you have been looking (and even better, for at a price you weren’t expecting)?