Author Archives: Cyrillynn

Remix Update: Outfits 7 – 10

This is a catch up post on my outfits for the past week. It’s been a bit hectic with everything going on, so I kept things extremely casual.

Outfit: Cotton On mens flannel shirt; Jovovich & Hawk for Target t-shirt; H&M Jeans; TOMS shoes in neutral; Coach sunglasses

Outfit: Previously remixed – Jeffrey Campbell shoes

Coincidence and Chance cardigan; Vintage Depeche Mode concert t-shirt; Hudson jeans; Michael Kors watch; Coach sunglasses

Outfit: Previously remixed – Cotton On sweater; Jeffrey Campbell shoes

American Rag skinny cargos; Joy Division shirt; Burton hat; Juicy Couture ring; Coach sunglasses

Outfit: Previously remixed – By Corpus striped shirt; Old Navy jeans; Jeffrey Campbell shoes

H&M sweater; American Apparel leather pouch; Michael Kors watch; Juicy Couture ring; Coach sunglasses

On Being Courageous

My husband did a very brave thing last week to manage his health in the best way he knew how: he underwent gastric-bypass surgery. After he found out he was diabetic 3 years ago, I have watched him try everything he could to manage his weight. He tried several diets, and none would produce the results he needed to remain healthy. Through many family discussions, he made the ultimate decision to undergo this type of bariatric surgery. He needed to do something to give him the discipline he felt he lacked. He felt that this would not only reverse his diabetes, but would in turn also save his life. Since I am asthmatic and struggle every now and again with stamina, he also did it to ensure that he would be able to keep up with our son, who grows increasingly active everyday. Although it will be a tough road from here on out (especially being out of commission with golf-playing for a couple of months), I support my husband and this difficult yet courageous decision he made. Dominic and I are so proud of you honey!

Friend Friday: In The Beginning

(This post was originally scheduled for last Friday, but was postponed until today due to my participation in the “Bloggers Day of Silence” for Japan)

This week’s topic for Fashion Beauty Friend Friday asks: So far, what has been the 5 hardest blogging lessons you’ve learned during this process and what has helped make you a better blogger as a result? These aren’t really hard lessons, but moreso things I’ve discovered during my blogging journey that definitely have made me a better blogger. If you’re a blogger, what lessons have you learned?

1. Be Not Afraid – I was a bit apprehensive about putting my outfit pictures out there for the world to see because I wasn’t sure how I felt about possible criticism. But I love to play dress up, so part of the reason I started this blog was because I get asked quite a bit “where did you get those shoes?” or “where do you get your clothes?” This seemed like an easy venue to showcase my style and give up the goods on where I shop. Everyone has their own taste and style, so criticism will come with the territory if someone doesn’t quite like what they see. But I have been so fortunate to see and experience that the blogging community is so very kind and everyone is extremely supportive. It has been fun so far!

2. Community – Getting to know other bloggers and spotlighting others is something else that I’ve discovered is very important. We all share the same internet space, so why not make the most of it and get to know your neighbors?

3. Finding Your Voice – With so many fashion bloggers out there, it seems like it’s easy to get lost. But I remember reading a post on The Citizen Rosebud when Bella interviewed Collette of “Statements in Fashion” (see post here). She mentioned that “finding your voice” is something that is very important, and that really hit home. I’m a 40-year-old woman who still loves to stay stylish, even with being married with a child and busy career. Why “phone it in” only to be something that you’re not? Be yourself, and your voice will be loud and clear.

4. Planning Ahead – One of the most valuable things I have learned about blogging is the need to plan ahead. Even if something “breaking” happens that should be posted right away, the majority of what I post is something that occurred a few days ago. This allows me to really plan what gets posted, and allows for creativity.

5. Get Creative – Whether through clothes, DIY or a recipe, I found it important to get creative with posts. I do it to stay inspired. I haven’t posted about it as much lately, but I do have a couple of DIY projects that I need to complete. They’re fun and they show my crafty side.

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is a Google group for bloggers to converse on a given topic each week. Katy from ModlyChic sends the questions, bloggers post their responses and then add their post to the list of people sharing their thoughts on the subject matter. To get started, check out this great tutorial on Grit & Glamour here.

(Image courtesy of

For Japan With Love

Tomorrow, I will be participating in a “Bloggers Day of Silence”, which means I will not post anything in commemoration of the victims of the disaster in Japan.

You can also participate in the day of silence by going to Utterly Engaged or you can donate by going to the For Japan With Love page. Donations will go directly to ShelterBox, one of the first organizations asked by Japan to help.  Please Tweet and Re-Tweet about the site and spread the word.  Every little bit helps!

Thank you,


Remix Update: Outfits 5 & 6

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Not a whole lot of green in this post, except for maybe the ivy next to me and a little bit of the leaves of my dress.

I broke down and bought the rose-gold watch that I have been eyeing for the past 2 weeks now. One of my friends just bought a rose-gold Michael Kors watch recently and I secretly lusted after it from afar. It has a vintage vibe to it, which reminds me of my father’s watches. This beautiful rose-gold watch with a dark pearlized face is also by Michael Kors. I promise that this watch is the last purchase until after Easter. The watch is so pretty up close, and this picture doesn’t do it justice.

From the “30 for 30” rules, outfits can be worn over a period of any 30 days. I really do intend to only remix during the days of Lent. If I don’t go anywhere that requires the use of an outfit from the remix, then I will extend the days so that the outfits reach 40. Since I didn’t go anywhere on Sunday, I will go over by 1 day (so far). So here are outfits 5 and 6, which was this past Monday and Tuesday. Isn’t this Kinder Aggugini dress adorable? The whole line at Macy’s is great, and I hope that it’s still around after Easter.

Outfit: Previously remixed – Cotton On sweater

Kinder Aggugini for Macy’s dress; Target tights; Prada shoes; Michael Kors watch; Coach sunglasses; American Apparel leather pouch

I have 3 skirts to choose from, again of varying lengths. I wanted to make this outfit a little on the easy and casual side for my new Jeffrey Campbell “Kelley” oxfords. I love the cut-out effect because while they are definitely brogues, they feel like sandals. I’m glad that I could get 2 styles for the price of one, which opens up my remixing even more. Speaking of remixing, I seem to have already worked this Cotton On cardigan into 3 outfits already. Plus, I’ve used the American Apparel leather pouch with every outfit so far. I guess I’ve discovered couple of a staples!

Outfit: Previously remixed – Cotton On sweater

Forever 21 t-shirt; Mossimo for Target skirt; Jeffrey Campbell shoes; H&M belt; Michael Kors watch; Coach sunglasses; American Apparel leather pouch

Nifty Beauty Find: Nail Polish Strips

I noticed a couple weeks ago that one of the gals at work had a very intricate houndstooth pattern on her nails. She mentioned that they were done at her friend’s house, and not at a salon. Another friend also had her nails done up in a very pretty floral pattern, and she said that she did them herself at home with a “nail polish strip” kit.

On my next trip to CVS, I looked for these strips. Lo and behold, I found them in the Sally Hansen section. They are called Salon Effects Real Nail Polish Strips. Basically, they are truly strips of nail polish that are ready to be applied directly on to your nail, with no drying time needed. They come in several colors and patterns, and I saw more solid colors at CVS than what is shown on the site.

After my co-worker’s testimonials, I was ready and willing to try these nail polish strips because I’m finding that I just don’t have the time to apply liquid nail polish at home due to the drying time. I waited until Dominic was asleep before attempting to apply the nail polish strips. To my surprise, the process only took me 45 minutes for both hands, and I was able to wash dishes and take a shower straight away!

Here is the finished product, which is called “Misbehaved”. The color appears to be a nude shimmer, with a fish net pattern. For a mother of a 2-year-old with almost no time to get to the salon twice a month, this is a revolution in a box. It looks even better in person, and I was asked several times at work where I had my nails done. If you have about an hour to spare and $10 in your pocketbook, take time to try out this truly fantastic product.

Remix Update: Outfits 2-4

I’ve hit the ground running with my “40 for 40” clothing remix. In this post, I have included my outfits from Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this past weekend.  I originally picked 7 dresses as part of my 40 pieces of clothing. Then I realized that I needed to pick more separates when doing a remix so that there are more choices. There isn’t much you can do with a dress, except add a layering piece and different shoes. So I pared my choices down to just 3 dresses of different lengths, including this maxi-dress.

Outfit: Charlotte Russe maxi-dress; Cotton On cardigan; Unknown brand belt; Steve Madden Luxe boots; American Apparel leather pouch; Burberry sunglasses

My Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” platform booties came in last week! We had a “Mad Fashion Friday” at work, so I decided to go 70’s crazy with my outfit, and those shoes were perfect. My mom has fantastic coats that she brought back with her from the Philippines back in the late 60’s, but sadly gave some away. I rescued this awesome furry coat, which completed the whole look. I did bring an extra sweater because I just couldn’t wear the furry coat all day in the sunny San Diego weather.

(Note:  I’m glad that outerwear is not included in the remix rules.  It makes remixing a whole lot easier!)

Outfit: Old Navy shirt and jeans; Jeffrey Campbell shoes; Panama Jack hat with an H&M flower hair clip/pin; For Joseph necklace; Juicy Couture sunglasses;Vintage faux fur coat from my mom

Since it’s been so hot lately in San Diego, I had to incorporate a pair of shorts into the clothing remix. I didn’t want add more than one pair of shorts because I would lose the ability to create more outfits for work. So here is the one pair for my remix, which will mostly be worn on the weekends. It’s not my most favorite look, but it worked out well for the sunny day out on Saturday and our trip to the fantastic local San Diego Philly cheese steak eatery called McGonagle’s.  My husband had the authentic cheese steak sandwich.  Dominic and I had the cheese steak fries.  If you’re in San Diego and want a little taste of Philly, I highly suggest McGonagle’s.

Outfit: H&M sweater; Old Navy shorts; Jeffrey Campbell oxford flats; American Apparel leather pouch; Coach sunglasses

On Dominic: Polo t-shirt; Guess jean shorts; Crazy 8 cardigan; Converse One Star sneakers; LIDS hat

On Deon: As you can see, what he wore to play golf earlier that day!

My Husband Wins His First Amateur Golf Tournament!

My husband has been playing golf for more than a year now, and has just started amateur tournament play within the last few months. His hard work has finally paid off and he has won his first tournament!

Last Sunday (March 6), he played the OC Invitational at Tijeras Creek Golf Club through The Golf Channel. Check out this fantastic quote from the site. Great job honey!

OC Invitational Draws Record Field; Tijeras Creek Plays Difficult

Deon Chen, who had not broken 100 in three previous attempts on Tour, blitzed the Jones Flight by firing an unbelievable round of 83 on Sunday.

(My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  Here is a link on Yahoo! if you want to help.)

Friend Friday: Get the Balance Right

This week’s Friend Friday asks the question “How do you find balance between life and blogging?” My friends are always asking me this same question, especially since I’m very busy at work full-time as an Operations Supervisor, then I come home to be a wife and mother. How important is it that I make time for blogging? Maybe the answers to these questions can shed some light. How do you all find the balance in your lives, whether or not blogging is involved?

When it comes to prioritizing your life, in what place does blogging fall?

I make time for it, but it I make sure I take care of my family and household first. This means that I’m usually blogging after my son and husband are asleep. There are times when I come home from work where I can get in some time on the computer early. But if my little boy comes tugging on my leg while I’m on the computer, wanting to dance with mommy…I will stop everything to dance.

We all wish we had more free time to dedicate to blogging and all it entails. What are your tricks for taking advantage of the time you do have to be as productive as possible?

I really try to get the whole week done ahead of time. My outfits are not necessarily what I wore the day they are posted, so I’m able to post things well in advance. I type out lots of ideas and titles of posts with just a paragraph or two of what I intend to write about, and flesh it out later if I still like the topic. My draft list is crazy right now, but it’s chock full of ideas that are ready to be turned into posts at anytime.

Have you discovered any short-cuts that makes blogging easier or more time efficient?

Yes! Scheduling entries to post at midnight everyday. I know it’s common knowledge that posts can be scheduled, but I didn’t know that until a friend and fellow blogger turned me onto it. It has made my life infinitely easier. Plus, as I mentioned above, coming up with a weeks worth of posts ahead of time and typing lots of draft ideas really is a time saver.

Do you have an editorial calendar or something similar that helps you plan ahead?

I actually started to do that just recently. Mondays are usually dedicated to what I did over the weekend. Tuesday and Wednesdays are outfit days. Fridays were my “Randomness” entries, but that has moved to Thursdays now that I am a part of FBFF. It makes it SO much easier to plan out my posts. If there is something that I want to post in a more timely manner, I will push an outfit post to another day.

If time wasn’t an issue what you would be doing on your blog/for your blog that you aren’t doing now?

If I had more time, I would devote it to learning more about the fashion industry. I’m only really reporting on what affects me and what I buy and wear, rather than the latest trends, the seasons and what designers are doing. To jump-start this part of my blogging experience, I’m shooting for going back to New York City in the fall for Fashion Week because I think it’s important to be right there “in it” as a fashion blogger. I know I can’t do that every year, but I think this year will be an important year for me to do so.

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is a Google group for bloggers to converse on a given topic each week. Katy from ModlyChic sends the questions, bloggers post their responses and then add their post to the list of people sharing their thoughts on the subject matter. To get started, check out this great tutorial on Grit & Glamour here.

(The fantastic image was used with kind permission from artist Valentina Ramos. Click on the picture above to view her blog and shop!)

40 For 40: Remixing for Lent


For Lent this year, I thought I would really challenge myself by doing a spin on Kendi Everyday’s “30 for 30” (see her blog here). I will be doing “40 for 40” and remixing 40 pieces of my wardrobe for the 40 days of Lent. As part of this and for my Catholic Lenten service, I will also be giving up shopping for 40 days (yes, my husband is elated). This is why I “binged” last week and made a bunch of online purchases, many of which have been incorporated into this challenge (this includes new distressed leather Lita platforms and Kelley oxfords from Jeffrey Campbell and a new dress from the Kinder Aggugini line at Macy’s). I also realize that this then hinders my ability to make any purchases during the Target retrospective starting this month (see post here). But due to the growing state of my wardrobe, this remix is necessary, even if it means sacrificing a new dress or two. *sigh*

Since Ash Wednesday was yesterday, today was the first day of the challenge. I have included a picture of my first outfit and will include a picture of all of the 40 pieces included in the challenge after this weekend (some online purchases have not arrived yet, but have been counted in the 40 pieces). Due to time constraints, I didn’t have time to do a true pictorial, so I just laid out my outfit quickly and snapped a picture. Thanks for the inspiration Kendi, and I hope I can rise up to the challenge!

Outfit: By Corpus sequin striped shirt (posted about here); H&M ankle length trousers; American Apparel leather pouch in camel; Matiko shoes