Author Archives: Cyrillynn

I’ll Drink to That – Happy Birthday to My Blog!

Yes, it’s been a year since I re-started Any Second Now, can you believe it?  I virtually baked you all a cake, I hope you like it.

There were so many things I wanted to do for my first year blog anniversary.  A giveaway perhaps? A badass, flashy post maybe?  I guess I’ll simply acknowledge this milestone by telling you all what I learned and then give a few special thanks.

Lessons in (Blog) Love

I learned quite a bit in this year of fashion/personal style/lifestyle blogging.  The biggest changes I see immediately are picture composition of the photos that I take and the content of my posts.  I’ve learned a few other things, mostly “ah-ha!” moments.  Some are funny, but many were truly direction changing revelations.

Depeche Mode has taught me zero about fashion

I have seen great blog posts about what people learned from their favorite shows, movies, and even musical artists.  As much as I love and admire my all-time favorite band, I have learned nothing about fashion from Depeche Mode.  Wait, that’s entirely not true.  I learned that they should not have collectively worn white jeans back in the 1988 video version of “Strangelove”.

Eliminate The Great Expectations & Have Fun!

When I started to get to know fashion blogging, I saw all of the opportunities out there.  But it is impossible to think that when you start a blog in this genre, that you will be automatically be up there with the likes of  “Bryan Boy”, “The Glamourai”, “Cupcakes & Cashmere”, “Keiko Lynn” or “Karla’s Closet”.   It takes hard work.  If you’re willing to put that work in, then you will no doubt reap the benefits.

I had to drop those expectations fairly quickly simply because of priorities: I have to somehow fit in blogging while working a full-time job as a full-time mommy and wife.

This blog is an outlet for me to express myself and if good things come of it, that would be great.  My ultimate dream would be to be a stay at home mommy, working on this blog full-time.  But reality dictates that I help pay the bills to take care of my family, so I do what I can in the time that I have it.   I have to keep that in mind so that I keep loving what I’m doing, and stay interested.  I don’t want to resent blogging because of unfulfilled expectations.

To Tweet is the Thing

Early on I have learned to link my posts to both of my Facebook accounts, but not on Twitter.  I’ve had my Twitter account since last year, and I can’t believe I just started Tweeting in May.  The final push was reading posts from Beautifully Invisible (10 Things about your Blog that Drive Me Crazy), Grit and Glamour (12 Days of Christmas…to a Better Blog in 2011) and quite a few on IFB, lauding the reasons to make sure you’re connected on Twitter if you have a blog.  It’s all true and I’m now a regular “Tweeter”.  I’m only just getting my feet wet.  Just wait until I get my iPhone!

Make a New Plan, Stan

I honestly thought that people were posting their outfits the following day after they wore them, which is how I was originally doing my outfit posts.  I was up late every night working on my blog, growing more grumpy by the hour.  Finally, a friend of mine said, “Why don’t you schedule your posts?  It will make life so much easier.”  Wow.  Plan ahead?  Schedule my posts?  You mean those style bloggers aren’t posting their outfits the day after they’re wearing them?  Do they really post ahead into the next week?  This single piece of information was a paradigm shift for me as a blogger.  It was like what Tivo/the DVR did for most people.  I felt like I was given the gift of time again.  It was a blogging miracle.

Community Development

I have really learned that there is a community of bloggers out there who support each other everyday.  Although I learned this by being a part of Fashion Beauty Friend Friday (FBFF) and The Full Time Fabulous Community (FTF), I really didn’t get a sense of it until I joined in the conversations on Twitter.  You’ll see what I mean when you read this next section.

From the Heart – Special Thanks

To my friends and family for understanding this need for me to express myself.  Thanks for putting up with my snapping pictures at every event and non-event, capturing moments as they happen.  I knew it was very much ingrained in my family when I was taking pictures of food at the San Diego County Fair and my 5-year-old niece said “Are you taking pictures for your blog, Auntie?”

To my husband for “dealing with” this seemingly insane fashion addiction that precedes our time together and will most definitely continue as long as I am living and breathing.  Sorry that you sometimes trip over my shoes in our bedroom and that your closet space seems to be a cubby-hole compared to my rows, racks and drawers.  Your are endlessly patient and I love you more than I could ever say in words alone.

To my son, because you are the definition of love and joy for me.  I know you don’t know why mommy dresses you the way that I do, or why I take so many pictures of you.  But you will understand someday when you go back and read mommy’s blog.  I hope by then you won’t think that mommy was crazy.

To my sister, who talks about my blog more than I realize.  I saw an incoming link to my blog, from someplace I wasn’t expecting.  It was a post by my sister, telling others to come visit my blog.  I was touched.  Over the years, I realized how much she has really become my best friend.

To this community of bloggers that I’ve built friendships with.  Since my Twitter revelation, I’ve solidified these connections and made many more.  But I would not have made these connections in the blogosphere if it were not for the following people.  They have made me the blogger I am today.

All the blogs in my “Daily Reads” and “Daily Reads Too” sections – I read them everyday.  I comment as often as I can, but know that I’m reading and loving everything you post. You inspire me.  I hope I do the same.

Independent Fashion Bloggers – You provide such a wonderful place for bloggers to become educated and understand why it is that they blog.  If I could give any advice to new bloggers, you must join IFB and follow them on Twitter.  The “Links a la Mode” is a great feature, and I’m honored to have been a part of that list 4 times last year.  Whether or not you are blogging to create a business or just to have it as a place of expression like myself, IFB is still a great tool and source for what you need in the world of fashion blogging.

Bella of The Citizen Rosebud – When I received my first negative comment not too long ago, she sent a Tweet to her followers, which prompted a wave of love and support on my blog and on Twitter.  But she has always been that kind of person, encouraging support and to fight for your right to be relevant and to have a voice.  I take heed to this on my blog, and in life.  And if you ever asked yourself “Should I be doing this at my age?”, you must read “Spin it Spinster“.  Best. Post. EVER.  I only hope to be as vibrant as she is.

Life offered options. I dressed for it. – Bella Q

Madison of Fashion Tales – I’m endlessly thankful for the beautiful and kind words on Beautifully Invisible’s “Links of Love” feature (post seen here).  I cried when I read what she wrote.  To me, that was the definition of a strong blogging community and the beautiful support people provide for each other.

This is what the blogging community is all about, supporting and being able to uplift each other, stating our opinions yes, but not in a hurtful manner.  Despite the unnecessary negative air pointed in Cyrillynn’s direction she gracefully shines on.  Check out the post for yourself, and see how good our girl is rocking her style! – Madison

A most special thank you goes to Kristy Elena of Vogue Gone Rogue and Full Time Fabulous – She is as beautiful as she is intelligent, which is why I followed her blog in the first place.  Had she not invited on IFB me to be a part of her community when she first started her journey through the Full Time Fabulous contest, I may not have met all the wonderful people I correspond with on a daily basis.   The FTF Community is a wonderful group of bloggers, but most of all, a wonderful group of people.

i think as we get older we should have a better grasp of our personal style thanks to experience but the idea of being more careful depresses me beyond belief. who made this rule that women are supposed to stop having fun and being carefree as they get older? – Kristy Elena

The BIGGEST thank you of all!

This goes to the people who read and follow my blog, those who comment and those who don’t.  I have heard from friends and family that they actually do read it everyday and how much they enjoy it.  Reading your comments and hearing what you have to say makes it all worthwhile.

Here’s to another year!

This is a work in progress, but I think I’ve figured out my blogging personality.  I’m glad you all are here, and I hope you want to continue to read and follow.  Cheers!

(Cake image courtesy of from Google images)

Wide Angle

There are a couple of wide elements to this outfit.  The sweater is quite boxy and is shorter in the front and longer in the back, which is very forgiving (it’s also the sweater I wore when I met Alan Wilder).  The pants are an extreme palazzo style that I picked up at Miss Selfridge in London a few years ago.  I always have to wear them with flats because they just barely touch the ground when I’m not wearing any shoes.  It’s a completely easy outfit with a lot of flow to it, although not too much color.  Blacks, greys and silvers are my staples, as is my new asterisk ring.

Outfit – Cotton On sweater; Miss Selfridge pants; Calvin Klein sandals; Rebecca Minkoff purse; Michael Kors watch; Juicy Couture & Wendy Brandes rings

Foodie Fever: @illyissimo, You’re THE BEST!

I’m a recent Tweeter, just really starting to get into all the Twitter action this past May.  A couple of weeks ago, I entered a Twitter only contest given by my all time favorite coffee company, Illy (@illyUSA, @illycaffe & @illyissimo).  The contest asked Tweeters to name their favorite place in Italy and give the reason why.  My original Tweet:

 @illyissimo I’ve only been to Rome, but it was easily one of my favorite places in the world. So historic, beautiful & fashionable! #Italy

I then received a DM (direct message) from @illyissimo asking me for an address to ship a sample of either their new Mochaccino or their new Caffe No Sugar as a thank you for entering the contest, even though they chose another winner.  I said “Surprise me!”  Pictured below is what showed up on my doorstep on Monday, in two packages.  One was a boxed sample of a Mochaccino, surrounded by wonderful smelling coffee beans in a pretty gold box, along with two pieces of Domori chocolate.  The other was a huge box filled with two cans of each of their available flavors: Caffe, Caffe No Sugar, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, and Mochaccino (my mom ate one of the chocolates & my sister snagged one of the Caffe No Sugars before I could take the picture).  Talk about a surprise!  I now have enough coffee to get me through our trip to Las Vegas this 4th of July weekend.  Thanks again Illy!

Blues Clues*

*And a very cool ring!

It’s always hard to make slouchy look chic, but I think the way to do it is to pair it with something sleek & simple.  I think skinny jeans and strappy heels offset the oversized shirt and slouchy purse, which keeps it from looking sloppy.  I also kept the colors in the same family of blue, making the outfit look cohesive.

My favorite parts of this casual outfit are the little details, like the hearts on my shoes or the fantastic ring that I bought recently from Wendy Brandes Jewelry (you can purchase it by clicking here).  It’s simple, but really unusual because it’s an unexpected shape.  The bonus picture below is of Dominic getting into my TwitPic that I sent to Wendy to show her how the ring looked on me.  I think he’s due for more outfit pictures since he keeps wandering into mine!

Outfit – Naked Zebra shirt by ModCloth (here’s another shirt I like that’s similar); H&M jeans; Alexander McQueen shoes; Foley + Corinna Moto Hobo bag; Wendy Brandes Asterisk ring

Fabulous Feature: LINK LOVE With a TWIST

This is a fabulous feature by B of Beautifully Invisible.  I was honored to be nominated by Madison of Fashion Tales, and so touched by her sweet words.  If there is anything I learned as a blogger, it is the importance of community.  Enjoy this list of some of the best reads in the blogosphere, which includes some of my “Daily Reads” favorites!

LINK LOVE with a TWIST, June 22, 2011

A few days ago someone asked me to describe the concept of Link Love with a Twist to them.  When I explained that the posts included every week are not picked by me, but rather submitted for inclusion by others, they were first surprised and then intrigued.

“So, it’s kind of like the People’s Choice Awards of fashion blogging!” they said.

I laughed, because obviously there are no real awards involved (sorry!).  Yet the concept is similar.  Each of the links below left a marked impression on a reader, who then decided they simply had to spread the wealth and share it with you.

I think that is a reward in itself!


Ambuji – Fashion and Architecture:  “I want to nominate Ambu of for this post.  The last 5 posts of hers have been great but I really liked the visuals of this one and how it all links together.  She has put together some very interesting and thought-provoking work on her blog.  I just had to share!” – Yvonne of Fashion RECON

Any Second Now – Pieces From A Working Mom’s Wardrobe:  “I initially loved this post and Cyrillynn’s outfit, but later when I’d heard that a commenter decided not to forever hold their peace, spurring a negative comment, it saddened me… You see, I love this post because of the after effects – the love and support from such an incredible community; the positive comments and truth that we (The FTFCommunity, along with others) shared.  This is what the blogging community is all about, supporting and being able to uplift each other, stating our opinions yes, but not in a hurtful manner.  Despite the unnecessary negative air pointed in Cyrillynn’s direction she gracefully shines on.  Check out the post for yourself, and see how good our girl is rocking her style!” – Madison of Fashion Tales

Beautifully Invisible – Guest Post: How to Not Be a Savage Blogger /”Follow Back” Alternatives for New Bloggers“It’s so nice to hear some viable tips on what new bloggers should be doing rather than just hearing what they should avoid.  And the graphics Jamillah chose pretty much speak for themselves.” – Marissa of The Well-Appointed Catwalk

Blah Blah Becky – Lipstick: A History:  “I have a new love for lipstick and an old love of history.  Since all the rage lately is bright, bright lips it was really great to see this thoughtful history of lipstick written by Becky.” – Jamillah of made-to-travel

Bonjour Simone – Fashion and Feminism: The Media’s “Ugly” Women: “This post on “Ugly” Women in the Media was awesome!  Does throwing on glasses and “ugly” clothes make beautiful women like Tina Fey, America Ferrera, and Anne Hathaway ugly?” – Ashley of ASHLEY4EMERGY

A Brit Greek – Just browsing for the perfect brow shape: “Want to know the secret to perfect eyebrows?  This post is the definitive guide to eyebrows that you have been searching for all your life.   Trust me: tips, tricks, and inspiration await!” – B of Beautifully Invisible

By Anika – Sexy is a state of mind“So many times I feel that women believe the only way to be sexy is to bare it all.  I too once thought this way (and if you want to let it all hang out, that’s great for you), but I’m so happy to be to a point in my life that I feel sexy regardless of I’m wearing (or not wearing).  Anika reminds us that clothes don’t necessarily make a woman sexy; it’s the woman that makes the clothes sexy!” – Rocquelle of Consider Me Lovely

Stephanie of The-Loudmouth seconds this submission and adds an additional choice: Beautifully Invisible – A Rant: Why Women Are (at times) Their Own Worst Enemy“Both of these posts are powerful, moving and thought-provoking… I’m both proud of who I am and know the changes I need to make after reading these!”

Full Time Fabulous – look hot on the beach – and protect yourself doing so: “I want to nominate Kristy Elena’s post on protecting yourself from the sun.  It is a very thorough post that I really enjoyed and I think everyone should read!” – Anna of designedbyann

miss vinyl ahoy – Refinery29 has grossly misguided views on plus size:  When you hear the term “plus-size”, what comes to mind?  Size 14? 16? 20? 22? What about a size 10?  This post was inspired by a tweet that refered to women who wear a Size 10 and above as plus-sized.  What are your thoughts?” – B of Beautifully Invisible

My Illustrative Life – SlutWalks: trying not to miss the point“I’ve been reading and thinking lots about slutwalks, and this is one of the best posts on the subject I’ve read.  I agree with pretty much everything Claire says here.” – Franca of Oranges and Apples

Rusty Sarcasm – Explanation Tumblr and Explanation Tumblr, Take 2“I LOVE tumblr and this thorough walk-through from Heather at Rusty Sarcasm will help you love tumblr too. When Tumblr recently made some changes Heather added a part 2!” – Jamillah of made-to-travel

Those Things They Said – Photo Editing“I loved Melanie’s tutorial for editing outfit pictures in Photoshop.  While I never like to see people alter their physical look in a graphics program it’s absolutely necessary for me as a graphic design enthusiast to run all of my photos through Photoshop before they make it to the blog.  Melanie’s example offers great cropping tips and the sort of coloring that warms a picture without making it unrecognizable.” – Casee Marie of The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower

UN-stitched – Fashion Heirlooms: “In this post Christine shared a heartwarming photo session with her young daughter and documented the list of sartorial messages she intends to instill in her daughter through her own representation.  I was touched by her dedication to her daughter’s genuine beauty; she proved that attention to fashion does not provoke vanity, but that it has the capability to teach valuable lessons and encourage self-esteem.” – Casee Marie of The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower

What Are Years? – My ethical dilemma with fashion blogging“Such a great post, bringing out some of the ethical dilemma’s around outfit blogging with some wonderful discussion in the comments too.  It really made me think (and write a novella of a comment)!” – Franca of Oranges and Apples


Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit their favorite post of the week!

If you would like to submit a post for inclusion in the next edition of Link Love with a TWIST, please do so here.

If you would like to publish this post on your own blog, the code can be found here.

Randomness: Blood, Sweat & Joy!

Just two quick features to take you into the weekend, one is a new discovery and another I’ve been waiting for since last summer!

It’s about bloody time!

I am a big fan of the show True Blood on HBO.  The series came out when I was pregnant with Dominic.  After seeing the first episode on an HBO preview weekend, I told my husband that he needed to sit with me and watch one of the repeats because I think I found a new favorite.  We promptly ordered HBO just to watch the rest of the season.  During maternity leave, I read most of the Sookie Stackhouse books and we have been hooked ever since.   As to whether or not I am “Team Bill” or “Team Eric”, I love all sexy vampires equally.

One of my favorite bloggers, B of Beautifully Invisible, is also a True Blood fan.  In honor of the arrival of season 4, I am featuring her post called “5 Things HBO’s True Blood Taught Me About Fashion & Beauty“.  I’ve listed my favorite lesson, but the whole post is clever and absolutely brilliant.  Sunday just cannot come fast enough!

4. There is a time and place for sweats and tracksuits

How many of you would wear your sweats to work or for a night on the town? Anyone? Unless you happen to work at a gym, the answer is likely no one. There is a definite time and place for sweats and tracksuits and, as Pam De Beaufort and Eric illustrate below, most have to do with physical activity. In those instances comfort is key and the appropriate attire will make your life much easier. That being said  don’t forget to add some edginess or glamour by accessorizing! – Beautifully Invisible

Love at first listen:  The Joy Formidable

I love it when I stumble upon something that I can truly say has stirred something in me.  Last weekend, I was on Twitter and saw a Tweet from Mark Hoppus (@markhoppus) from Blink 182 saying this: “This song gives me goosebumps every. single. time.”  It was accompanied by a You Tube link.  He’s quite the funny guy, so I thought maybe it was something humorous.  This link was quite the opposite.  It was to a song called “Whirring” by a Welsh group called The Joy Formidable.

I must say, I was moved.  The live version of this song starts off quietly, but with atmosphere.  The song then builds into a crazy frenzy that does not let go until the very end.  “Whirring” is stirring and powerful all at once.  I can see why Mark gets goosebumps every single time.

I’m still finding out about this fantastic new band, but here is the video that started it all.  I will make the investment to buy their EP “A Balloon Called Moaning” and their album “The Big Roar” because it’s about time that something good gave me a bit of a break from my addiction to 80’s alternative.


(Top image courtesy of HBO.  Photo disclaimer from Beautifully Invisible:  All images courtesy of Google Images and used for entertainment purposes only. True Blood and all its characters are the property of author Charlaine Harris and HBO.)

Third Time is a Charm!

My husband won his 3rd golf amateur tournament in his flight this past Sunday!  The tournament was held at the Sterling Hills Golf Club on June 19.  He scored an 83 (+12), which is his best score to date (full leaderboard for his flight can be seen here).  With this win, he not only was promoted to the next flight (from Jones to Sarazen), but he also qualifies for the National Championship in September.  Great job honey!

Update:  Here is the write up from The Golf Channel and a picture of my hubby with his new plaque!

Sterling Hills Shootout Lives up to it’s Name

The Jones Flight also had a large field on Father’s Day, and several players had outstanding rounds. The top five players were all within three shots of each other, and it took an exceptional back nine for Deon Chen to pull off the victory. Chen continues to improve his game and looks forward to a Sarazen Flight promotion in his future, which may be soon after his fine score of 83 on Sunday. Chris Plaumer also played exceptionally well and managed a second place finish with his score of 84. Ex Wongsuwonloet posted a round of 85 to take third by himself. Yuri Pikover and Mark Millard tied for fourth, just missing the podium, with comparable rounds or 86 at Sterling Hills Golf Course.

(Images courtesy of Golf Channel AM Tour)

Spotted at the Office

I wear so many different things to work because I like to keep things fresh and fun for myself and I’m really loving this kind of full skirt more and more.  I saw this on the Bloomingdale’s website and I had to pick it up because of the leopard spot print, and discovered how wonderfully lightweight it is.  For the summer, I think I will buy a few more of these types of skirts because I think they will transition nicely into the fall by adding tights with ankle or tall boots.

Outfit – Old Navy shirt; Calvin Klein skirt; Guess shoes; Rebecca Minkoff purse; Michael Kors watch

Limited Editions

I wanted to post some news about a couple of “limited editions” related to Depeche Mode.  First, I read on The Quietus that Martin Gore and Vince Clarke are teaming up on a new techno album (article here).

Speaking to Billboard, Gore said “Out of the blue I got an e-mail from [Vince Clarke] just saying, ‘I’m interested in making a techno album. Are you interested in collaborating?’ This was maybe nine months, a year ago. He said, ‘No pressure, no deadlines,’ so I said, ‘OK,’ and that’s what we’ve been doing the last six months.” – The Quietus

As you have seen from previous posts, Vince Clarke and Alan Wilder both recently produced mixes on Depeche Mode’s 81-11 Remix album.  Could this new collaboration mean other ones are in the works?  Oh, one could only dream that they would also include Alan!

Speaking of limited editions, look what popped up in my mailbox recently.  Yes, it’s true.  It is the Record Store Day, four song, limited edition “Personal Jesus” 12″ single, and it’s MINE (seen here).  When I called Lou’s Records June 7th, I thought I had missed out on this extremely rare piece of vinyl (see original post here).  But I think Neil at Lou’s (who answered the phone at the time), must have heard the disappointment in my voice as he said “The last one literally walked out the door about 10 minutes ago!” and remembered how much I wanted it.  Even when I received the Paypal invoice stating “Depeche Mode 3CD w/ promo 12” I still didn’t believe it.  It wasn’t until I saw the large album shaped box that it finally dawned on me that I now own it.  I called Lou’s back and they said that someone had canceled their order so they sent it to me as soon as I paid the invoice.  I consider myself very lucky to have this.  I am now going to play the Lotto.

(Photo of Martin Gore & Vince Clarke from The Quietus.  

Photos of the Depeche Mode Remixes 81-11 CD & Promo 12″ single are from my living room!)

Day of the Dad

A simple photographic tribute to my favorite fathers.  Happy Father’s Day to all!

My daddy.  I miss you so much!

My husband and son, loves of my life

Grandpa, Dominic & Goddaddy Nick

My niece, Mei-Lin, and her daddy, Jeremy