You've Got it Made

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This outfit includes a couple of handmade items: the vintage purse I re-worked by adding pom poms from Monday’s post, and a scarf that I knitted myself.  Also included in this outfit are pieces made by the talented Suki of Suki Bijoux.  In the detail picture below, you can see the vintage purse necklace, the “Recoil” ring and typewriter ring.  Lately, I have been wearing her pieces mixed in with my favorite ones, like the @ ring by Wendy Brandes.  Pieces like these handmade items give character to an otherwise simple California winter outfit.

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Outfit – H&M jacket, sweater and jeans; Tod’s suede boots; Honeybadger glasses by BonLook; Wendy Brandes ring; vintage purse necklace, custom-made “Recoil” ring and “C” typewriter ring by Suki Bijoux; handmade knitted scarf and pom pom purse

Photos by Rholnna Jiao

How To: Pom Pom Purse

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Ages ago, I vowed to try my hand at making a pom pom purse ala PS I Made This and my friend Sara (my original post here).  I know that was a few seasons ago, but now that it’s winter, it seems appropriate to bring it back up again.  In my previous post, I was going to add pom poms to a black vinyl purse that I had where the embelishments started to fall off.  I changed my mind, and decided that I would actually use a very cute vintage tweed purse that I purchased on Ebay nearly 7 years ago.  It’s been sitting in my closet and I was trying to figure out whether I should just add vintage brooches or appliques to it, or maybe even studs.  Because I chose pom poms that were in browns, tans and yellows, I thought that it would fit this purse very well.

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Also, rather than use a glue gun, I opted to use a fabric glue, to ensure that the pom poms would stay put (I found Aleene’s Fabric Fusion at my local Michael’s).  I first stragetically placed all the pom poms generally where I would like them to be, then used the fabric glue to stick them all in place.  To ensure that they adhered correctly, I made sure to add the glue to the pom pom, then pressed the adhesive side down onto the purse.  I held it there for a few minutes before moving on.  The glue actually dried fairly quickly and I was able to get through the purse in just about an hour.

Check out the finished product (below); I think it worked out quite well!  This was a very simple and fun way to re-work a purse that would otherwise have been relegated to the back of my closet or a donation bin.  An outfit post featuring this purse will be up next!

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Unknown Pleasures: Meeting Peter Hook of Joy Division & New Order

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This past Saturday, I attended a book signing at M-Theory Music and had the very great pleasure of meeting Peter Hook (nickname, Hooky), the bassist and co-founder of Joy Division, who reformed as New Order following the death of then lead singer, Ian Curtis.  Hooky officially left New Order back in 2007, but they have since reformed without him.  He currently performs with his band, Peter Hook & The Light, performing the New Order albums “Movement” and “Power Corruption and Lies” live.   He recently wrote a book called Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division, chronicling his time with the legendary band.

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I saw New Order back in 1989, which was definitely during Peter Hook’s time in the group (my ticket is pictured above).  Although I was very familiar with their history, I only really became a fan of Joy Division when I was on maternity leave during one of many late nights, after watching Anton Corbijn’s movie “Control” (original post here).  When I read about Peter Hook’s book signing on M-Theory’s Facebook page, I invited as many of my friends as I could who are 80’s music enthusiasts, and ended up meeting my friend Rob there.  Back in 2010, Rob and his friend Todd met up with me and my sister at Alan Wilder’s signing (original post here).  In fact, a couple of people who were at Alan’s signing were also there at the Peter Hook signing and remembered me as the girl who won the dance contest.  To quote the great George Takei, “Oh Myyyyy!”

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It’s always fun to meet people who are in line because we all have the obvious common interest, but it’s also great to hear stories of their musical and life experiences.  The two gentleman in front of us were father and son, Tony and Ian (respectively).  Tony had wonderful stories of bands he’s seen, people he’s met and tales of when he worked at Licorice Pizza (record store chain that no longer exists), as did Rob!  The three of them together gave me a bit of the history of Peter Hook’s other musical endeavors.  Rob had vinyl 12 inch records and 45’s of not just Joy Division and New Order, but also of Revenge and Monaco, bands that Hooky recorded with previously.  Later via Facebook, Tony explained that Ian’s middle name is Curtis.  Finding out about that after the event and thinking of the experience makes Tony one of the coolest dad’s in my book.  Not only did he name his son after the lead singer of one of his favorite bands, but then took his son to meet one of the co-founders of that same band.  Best story of the day, hands down.

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Rob chatting with Steve West

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I officially was able introduce myself to Steve West, DJ extraordinaire of 91X, because Rob knows him personally.  I spoke to him in passing once at a OMD concert, so it was fun to meet and chat with him a bit.  I listened to him for years on 91X, and many of the bands that I still listen to today are due to Steve West.

Side note:  Check out the new bag I won on Mimi Boutique’s Facebook page!

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Ian and Tony with Hooky.  Knowing the back story now puts me at awe when I see this picture.

This event was very well-organized, and the line flowed much better through the store than the Alan Wilder signing (I think the dance contest set up may have made it a bit chaotic).  Hooky was incredibly friendly and sweet, chatting up each person or group of people and even cracked jokes.  The folks at M-Theory asked that we write our names on small sheets of paper so that Hooky could make sure to correctly personalize our books.  I said my name is Cy, like Cy Curnin (of The Fixx).  For whatever reason – maybe out of nervousness – I slid over the piece of paper with my name on it, he said, “Really?!” and playfully threw away the piece of paper behind him laughing.  We used my camera for Rob’s picture as well, and Hooky asked “Is he with you?  By the look on your face, you seem reluctant to say!”  I explained that Rob is my friend and it was ok to take the picture.  Rob then asked him “City or United?” and I am happy to report that Hooky is a Manchester United supporter. GO YOU REDS!

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We were allowed to have three items signed in total, so I had my book signed along with my Joy Division CD and a Joy Division collectors’ edition of NME that Rob picked up for the both of us.  Another wonderful signing and great day meeting Peter Hook at M-Theory Music!

I Confess

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I first heard about Miista shoes when they followed me on Twitter.  I love discovering new brands, and lately I find out them due to follows on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  I must confess that it was love at first sight when I went to the website, and I have been fascinated ever since (I used a couple of their shoes in some recent Polyvore collages, here and here).  These are my first pair from Miista called the Gabi, and these shoes – along with everything that I see on their site – are show stoppers.  I’m not one to shy away from a fantastic pair of shoes, and these shoes start conversations.  Each time I wear them, I get stopped because people either want to know where I got them, or just to tell me they are an awesome pair of shoes.  I wore them recently to the Shimmer event that I went to a few weeks ago, and because they are flatforms, they gave me the height I needed while remaining comfortable.  I’ve already have a second pair from Miista’s AW2012 sale, and I’m deciding what to get next from their Electromancer SS2013 collection, which is simply ah-mazing.

Note: Miista is a UK based company, and I just realized how many English items I’m wearing other than my shoes: London Underground cuff, English Beat shirt (the title of this post is one of their songs), Union Jack purse, London map ring, and hidden under my shirt is my belt with a Union Jack buckle.  I must really miss London!

Edited to add on 2/5/2013: Check me out on Miista’s site (here)!  When you purchase shoes from Miista (directly from their site or the many retailers that sell their brand), take an outfit photo featuring their shoes and submit it to you at miista dot com, and you could win a free pair in a monthly drawing.  I didn’t win this month, but I’m going to keep trying!

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Shimmer Fashion Show Love Life Photo 2

Outfit – Living Doll Los Angeles jacket; H&M jeans; English Beat concert t-shirt; The G Collection Union Jack studded purse; Gabi shoes by Miista (from Envi Shoes); London Underground cuff c/o designhype; rings by Wendy Brandes and Suki Bijoux; Michael Kors watch; La Marquise glasses by BonLook; Park Avenue lipstick by Radiant

(Photo 3 by Eddie Flores of Love Life Photography)

I'm in "Heaven" – Depeche Mode's New Single Will Be Released February 1!


Side-Line Magazine reported on January 24 that Depeche Mode’s new single and video “Heaven” will be released on February 1st, 2013.  The new album is called Delta Machine and will be released on March 26th on Sony.  I am beyond excited because a new album and single means that the new US tour dates will follow, and you can be sure that I will post them up as soon as I find out!

Edited to add:  Here’s the video!

(Photos courtesy of Side-Line; Video from YouTube)

Weekend in Pictures: The Farmers Insurance Open 2013

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Last week, my family and I attended the Farmers Insurance Open held at Torrey Pines Golf Course in La Jolla.  If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that my husband is an avid golfer and fan of the sport.  He was able to acquire two season passes this year, so we attended the Zurich Pro-Am, which was last Wednesday.  Pictures were only allowed to be taken during the first three days of the event, so we were very lucky to go on Wednesday.  Not only did we get some fantastic pictures, but we also were able to get autographs and get up close and personal with some of the players.

My husband and I have been to the Farmers Insurance Open before, but without our son because he was too young at the time.  Now that he’s nearly four, we thought it was the perfect time to take him.  Dominic did such an amazing job at listening and being quiet when the time called for it.  He said that he had an “awesome time”, which leads me to believe that he not only truly understands the game of golf, but actually loves it.  We walked around for only about four hours because we could tell that Dominic needed a nap.  Being on such a great course got Deon itching to play, so he dropped us off and hit the links for a quick game.  He must have been inspired by the day because he golfed for three eagles in a row in the first three holes, and had the best score he’s had in nine holes (-5).  I guess it just takes being surrounded by greatness to light a fire in him and bring out the best in his game!

One of the best moments to come out of this event was when Deon went to get Hunter Mahan’s autograph.  Deon was able to catch him before he moved onto the next hole, and here is the conversation that took place:

Deon: “Hey Hunter, can I get your autograph for my boy?”

Hunter: “Where’s the boy?” (Looking around, and not seeing any small child near by.)

Deon: “Uh…” (Looking behind him, not realizing that we were sitting down a few feet away.): 

A voice from the distance:  “It’s for his inner boy!” (Laughing from the small crowd around us.)

Deon:  “Here he is!” (Me, running with Dominic after hearing the initial exchange.)

Hunter: “Why doesn’t he ask me himself?”

Deon: “He’s shy…”

Everyone around then laughed and Hunter happily signed the autograph.  See, the pros are just regular guys, ready to give a good ribbing, but only if you’re ready to take it, and my husband certainly was!

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Dominic checking out the pairings guide for who was going to tee up next.

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Watching Bo Van Pelt.

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We needed to chill after all that walking!

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My husband was responsible for getting the really great shots of the players in action.


Rickie Fowler


Dustin Johnson


Jeff Overton


Tiger Woods

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Aaron Baddeley


Hunter Mahan


Torrey Pines South Course, 18th Hole


Brandt Snedeker & Trevor Hoffman

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Deon and Dominic getting Brandt Snedeker’s autograph

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Getting Trevor Hoffman’s autograph (yes, formerly of the San Diego Padres!)

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Deon & Trevor

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Rickie Fowler, up close & personal!

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Dominic and his signed Rickie Fowler hat

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Autographs: Rickie Fowler, Brandt Snedeker, Trevor Hoffman, Hunter Mahan

(Pictures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 by Deon Chen)

Old Navy

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When I bought this sweater, it immediately reminded me of my father and old pictures of him when he was in the navy.  I decided to really do up the outfit and I came up with something that made me feel like a vintage sailor girl, circa 1920’s to 1940’s.  Then my sister and I went out to Harbor Drive near Downtown San Diego, so that we could have pictures with The USS Midway in the background.  It was a beautiful day, which really made the pictures even more like the ones in our dad’s old photo albums, especially with the sepia color.  I miss my dad, and it’s nice when we can pay some homage to him in small ways.

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Outfit – Hell Bunny sweater from ModCloth; Libertine for Target dress; Hanes textured tights; Jeffrey Campbell shoes; Fleur de Lis necklace (close up here), “Recoil” and typewriter rings by Suki Bijoux; Wendy Brandes ring; handmade bracelet given by my best friend Janice; La Marquise glasses by BonLook; unknown brand purse

All photos by Rholnna Jiao

Sheer Luxury With a Purpose: Frangi Pangi Hosiery

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When I first started to wear dresses, I always wore sheer pantyhose because my mom used to wear them all the time.  This led to my love of tights, and I’ve really only worn either tights or have gone bare-legged when wearing something for day or if the outfit didn’t call for it.  Recently, I’ve thought about wearing pantyhose again because I find that I need to wear something with more support.  There are really only two things that hold me back from donning sheer pantyhose: color and wear.  I feel like I can’t quite find the right color for my skin tone, and I have this very bad habit of ruining a new pair of pantyhose within the first wearing by snagging them on something, creating a huge run.

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I have come to realize that sometimes you have to spend a little to get the quality you want, so I did move to the higher denier tights to get that opaqueness that I wanted, which meant moving to a higher price point.  Of course, the same applies to sheer pantyhose because you literally get what you pay for: if you pay $2 for a pair, then it is inevitable that they will most likely run after the first wear because of the lower denier.  So after I was contacted by Frangi Pangi to try out a couple of pairs of their pantyhose, I wasn’t sure what to expect, being that it’s been several years since I’ve worn them.  After putting them on, I was pleasantly surprised with the not only the quality, but the color.  Their hosiery is guaranteed to wear at least 4 times without a run or your money back, and so far so good after my first wear!  Because these they are “Designed for women of colour by a woman of colour”, I felt confident in finding a shade that is near an exact match to my skin tone.  For my sheer pair, I chose the color Fava and I was not disappointed.  The color was perfect, and they felt very luxurious like silk.  They are sheer to the toe so I felt just fine wearing them with open-toe pumps.  I also received a sheer black pair, and they looked and felt just as amazing as the skin tone pair, great for the day as well as evenings out.  Both pairs of pantyhose also have a very comfortable control top, so I also have the support that I was looking for.  Their website offers a wonderful “Buying Guide” section which will show you all of their colors, sizes (A to 2x), and how to best care for your pair of Frangi Pangi pantyhose.

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Frangi Pangi founder and Chief Executive, Jocelyn Maminta, spent  years developing the concept for this line of luxury pantyhose in such a wide range of colours that there is truly a shade for every woman. As a woman of colour herself, Jocelyn saw the need for a greater selection  than she was able to find as a consumer. In her words, “There is no need to settle for less anymore.”

What impressed me the most about Frangi Pangi is that they support Caroline’s Room, whose mission is “to ease the trauma of families with children in neonatal intensive care”.  Not only is Jocelyn Maminta the founder and CEO of Frangi Pangi, but she is also a broadcast journalist at News 8 WTNH and the co-founder of Caroline’s Room.  Profits from Frangi Pangi goes to support the funding of Caroline’s Room.  It’s always nice to lend support to a company that not only cares about women and their quest for style by offering a wider range of colors and sizes in their hosiery, but gives back to their community and Frangi Pangi is just such a company.

Outfit 1 – Blazer c/o The Limited; Forever 21 dress (old); Kenneth Cole purse (old); Michael Kors pumps; Honeybadger glasses by Bon Look; Origami Owl necklace; Fava ultra-sheer pantyhose c/o Frangi Pangi

Outfit 2 – Costa Blanca cape c/o High Gloss Fashion (I won it from their December 2012 Facebook contest); Forever 21 purse (old); Alice Temperley for Target dress; Poetic License shoes; La Marquise glasses by Bon Look; Park Avenue lipstick by Radiant; Black ultra-sheer pantyhose c/o Frangi Pangi

Photos 1 & 2 by Rholnna Jiao; Photo 3 by Deon Chen

FTC Disclosure:  I received free product and was asked to review the product in return.  Although I did receive free product, the opinions in this post are strictly my own.

Weekend in Pictures: I Heart Shimmer!

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On Saturday, I attended a the VIP Fashion Event at Shimmer, a local retail clothing store in Westfield’s Plaza Bonita Mall (they also have a location at the Chula Vista Center).    I found out about the event through the San Diego Style Bloggers blog and quickly put in my RSVP to attend the event.  I think it’s important to attend these types of events as bloggers to get to know the local fashion community and also to connect with other bloggers.  Not only did I get to reconnect with bloggers Tuyaymya of White Tee Black Dress and Erika of Within The Sun, but I also got to meet the beautiful Alessandra of Fatshion Diary.  We are all pictured below with Judy Figueroa from Shimmer (except for Erika, who I didn’t see until later that evening).

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Silliness in the VIP blogger area with Alessandra and Tuyaymya! (Photo courtesy of Fatshion Diary; check out her awesome post about this event here!)

It was a lovely fashion soiree with a free mini-salon area equipped to handle hair, make-up and nails.  We were also treated to tasty snacks (that I unfortunately couldn’t partake in due to being in the midst of Whole30), and a blogger VIP area with awesome little gifts from Shimmer along with cute SWAG bags we received upon entering the event area.  The evening began with a hair and make-up demo by Bellus Academy, which was followed by a fantastic fashion show.

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The outfits were broken up into three categories:  Lady Gaga meets military, Chanel inspired and Valentine’s Day outfit ideas.  I did shop a bit prior to watching the event, and I saw two jackets that I tried on make it to the runway (one I purchased).  But what I enjoyed most about the fashion show was that it showcased models of all shapes, sizes and ages.  When I spoke to Judy from Shimmer, she said that they wanted to make sure that they appeal to everyone, and I truly felt it during the fashion show.  Being a 40+ style blogger, it was very important to me to see a model up there who was in my age range, and she ROCKED it.  I swear I gushed each time she hit the catwalk!

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I bought this oxblood blazer by Ark & Co

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I tried this on, but it was quite long on me.  I’m not as tall as this gorgeous model (jacket also by Ark & Co).

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I cheered every time she hit the runway!

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A bevy of beauties.

I would like to thank San Diego Fashion Bloggers for providing details to this event on their blog, and I would also like to thank Judy and all at Shimmer, Bad Madge Productions and Vanity Girl Hollywood (who provided the awesome mirrors in the hair & make-up section) for making this event so much fun and memorable.  I would also like to thank my hubby, for taking me to the event and even posing in a photo with me, even though he said that he wasn’t “photo ready” due his casual outfit.  I love you honey!

(Get 20% off + free shipping on Shimmer’s online shop, by using the code FASHION20!)

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Kiss Slavery Goodbye With Radiant Cosmetics


I first heard about Radiant Cosmetics through Grit and Glamour and just had to participate to bring attention to this subject.  To help bring awareness to human trafficking, I purchased a wonderful color in Radiant’s Moisturizing Lipstick called Park Avenue (below).  The lipstick itself is fantastic!  It is moist, the color is amazing and long lasting.  They have many shades to choose from, and I’m definitely going to check out their other lipstick colors as well as their other products because of the great quality.  I hope that you all will do the same and help bring attention to this very important issue by purchasing a lipstick.  Not only will 20% of the profits for each purchase be donated towards the cause to fight human trafficking, but Radiant will also donate a lipstick on your behalf to a survivor or current human trafficking victim during the month of January.  Please find some information below regarding human trafficking and let’s kiss slavery goodbye!




Human trafficking is modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. As defined under U.S. federal law, human trafficking involves the commercial exchange and exploitations of humans including forced prostitution, various forms of “labor or services,” or servitude and debt bondage.

Human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world, second only to drug dealing, which it’s expected to surpass in the next two years. The United Nations estimates that 27 million people are trafficked annually.


There is not one consistent face of trafficking victim.  Trafficked persons in the United States can be men or women, adults or children, foreign nationals or US citizens.  Some are well-educated, while others have no formal education.
While anyone can become a victim of trafficking, certain populations are especially vulnerable.  These may include: undocumented migrants; runaway and homeless youth; and oppressed, marginalized, and/or impoverished groups and individuals.  Traffickers specifically target individuals in these populations because they are vulnerable to recruitment tactics and methods of control.
Undocumented immigrants in the US are highly vulnerable due to a combination of factors, including: lack of legal status and protections, language barriers, limited employment options, poverty and immigration-related debts, and social isolation.  They are often victimized by traffickers from a similar ethnic or national background, on whom they may be dependent for employment or a means of support.


While human trafficking happens widely overseas it’s also happening every single day here in the United States, in our own backyards. Human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states. The United States acts as both a transit and a source destination country. The global reach of this injustice is staggering; 161 countries worldwide have been identified as affected by human trafficking.

The U.S. government estimates that over 100,000 children are in trapped in the sex trade in the United States each year. Most human trafficking in the United States occurs in New York, California, Texas, Florida and Georgia.

The U.S State Department estimates that around 18,000 foreign men, women and children are trafficked into the United States annually. Foreign women and children brought to the U.S. for sex trafficking find themselves forced to work in brothels, strip clubs, escort services, and massage parlors.

Sex trafficking also happens to U.S. citizens already within our borders. Around 300,000 American children are at risk for trafficking annually.


You can report trafficking crimes and get help by calling the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-3737-888, a national, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. New laws provide options for trafficking victims regardless of immigration status.
